Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Game Suggestions and Feedback => Topic started by: Funkyvenom on March 13, 2011, 01:48:41 pm

Title: Deck Storage Area
Post by: Funkyvenom on March 13, 2011, 01:48:41 pm
This might have been suggested before, but I think there should be a way to store separate decks to keep them apart and organized. It would make it easier to switch between multiple decks without having to find each card pile. It would also be easier if there was an "add all" button for each deck so that you could put all the cards in a deck into "your deck" at once. I don't know if it is uncommon or strange to have multiple decks, but I have 3 and I just think it would be easier to keep them separate and organized with something like this.
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: kitty45 on March 13, 2011, 01:55:30 pm
I agree I have  4 or 5  and I feel like it is a pain looking for all the cards in the deck then re looking for missing cards
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on March 13, 2011, 02:11:22 pm
I use notepad to store my decks (I have about 20). Just copy and paste the code, and all cards will be put into the deck (if you have them in storage).
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: kitty45 on March 13, 2011, 02:13:05 pm
I use notepad to store my decks (I have about 20). Just copy and paste the code, and all cards will be put into the deck (if you have them in storage).
what if you forgot about notepad?
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: suxerz on March 13, 2011, 02:32:24 pm
Yes, it is common to have multiple decks especially for anyone who have a large card pool. However, this has been replied before by zanz in patch 1.20:

Why not saving multiple deck in the database?
- It would be more user friendly but...
- The number of decks saved in the database has to be very small (1 or 2) because of files size issues
- It would be impossible to share your deck's code with other users
I use notepad to store my decks (I have about 20). Just copy and paste the code, and all cards will be put into the deck (if you have them in storage).
what if you forgot about notepad?
Urm.. what do you mean by that?

Few alternative solutions have been mentioned here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17538.0.html) too.
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: kitty45 on March 13, 2011, 02:42:35 pm
I mean like you have a deck you REALLY want to use it is on notepad,but you forgot yo had notepad
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: Camoninja on March 13, 2011, 02:50:09 pm
If you REALLY liked the deck I would be surprised you forgot.
But supposing you did, I store my spare decks in really noticeable locations. One of my decklists is in an enormous email hain sent only to myself and the other is on notepad on my desktop towards the right where the wallpaper is blank and there are no icons.
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: Jappert on March 13, 2011, 03:22:46 pm
I've got an excell document with different tabs:
- Elder farming decks
- T50 farming decks
- Unupped PvP
- Upped PvP
- This weeks tournament decks (changes every week)
- FG decks (got all decks for specific FG's when predicted by the oracle here also)
- Other (for specific PvP events for example).

Might make a War tab aswell when I get a team :p

I send this file through e-mail to msyelf regularly so I won;t lose it when something happens to my comp.
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: killybob on March 13, 2011, 05:40:34 pm
it is also possible, not easy to do, but possible to program hot keys that automatically paste the deck code for you. other than that the deck code storage idea works just as well if not better. and as zanz pointed out, separate decks takes up lots of memory. what i would like though is more options, like perhaps you could highlight all the cards you wanted to sell/remove instead of having to click over and over and over and over and over and over and over and again.
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: Funkyvenom on March 13, 2011, 05:50:57 pm
I like the highlight idea. clicking on cards over and over is not fun. especially when you have to wait 5 seconds between each card.
Title: Re: Deck Storage Area
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on March 13, 2011, 06:20:54 pm
you can use iGoogle app to store the codes too (I use a notepad-like app, works like a charm)