Short version:
Add an option to show a hash code in deck editor and in pvp - makes it possible to check that the player didn't change his deck when recreating a game that desynched or timed out or that the deck is legal for a tournament with added restrictions, while not revealing the decklist itself.
Long version:
So today I participated in a pvp tourney for the first time, and it was odd to see how unenforceable some of the deck construction rules are. Most importantly, you're supposed to not change your deck when remaking a desynched game, but there's no way to catch someone swapping in some answers to cards he saw in the first game. Also, some tournaments have deck construction rules that are near-impossible to enforce. Today's had only duos and tris allowed. A standard shrieker rush was illegal, but one with a single Reverse Time was ok - how do you check whether it was in the bottom half of the deck or not there at all? Or if only 3 of a card is allowed, how can you know (without a precog) whether someone is running 4 or 5 of his key cards or just getting lucky with his 3?
The way CCG programs like Apprentice and Magic Workstation handle this is showing a security code for both players at the beginning of the game. This is computed from the deck with a hash function and might look something like B4DC5791. This says essentially nothing about the contents of the deck, but it's easy to verify whether the code is identical to the one in the previous game, or to what the deck editor shows when a tournament referee enters the decklist given by the player.
I do see a possible issue in the fact that Elements's card pool is minuscule compared to MtG's, and together with smaller deck size and the lack of sideboards, it's possible that the opponent would recognize the code of, say, a bulk Fire Stall list. I have no idea how common it is for tourneys to have open rulesets, so it might very well be that this isn't really a problem, but I'm throwing this out there anyway before someone else does. Do note that a deck with one card changed would get a hashcode with no resemblance to the original, so there's no way you could recognize a deck unless it's exactly the same list. If you're really worried about this you could add an extra string which could be chosen arbitrarily and used while computing the code, but that seems a bit excessive for a feature that's irrelevant for anything else than organized pvp.