Ok, so a major edit to this original post. That is why the next few posts seem off topic.
Okay, so right now creatures have a few things to them.
Current Creature StatisticsName: What the creature is referred to.
a Cost: What it costs to put this creature on the board, from your hand.
Statistics: It's offensive and defensive capabilities. (Also called Attack & Hitpoints)
An Ability (active): Which costs x quanta and has a unique effect, like a spell
An Ability (passive): Which happens at the end of your turn, every turn, as long as the creature is in play.
Now, what I am proposing is that we add a new 'layer' to creatures.
The new layer will be a Classification. This will be regardless of which element the card belongs to, every (or most) creature cards should be Classified in some way.
Some example Classifications, with example creatures. (If you can think of any others, either Classifications or creatures I have missed out, let me know!)
BeastCockatrice, Horned Frog, Abomination, Lycanthrope, Pegasus, Wyrm, Otyugh - are all considered Beasts.
DragonPurple, Bone, Colossal, Stone, Emerald, Crimson, Ice, Golden, Azure, Devonian, Black and Phase Dragons. Are all considered Dragons.
SpiritFire Spirit, Forest Spirit, Deja Vu, Guardian Angel and Photons are all considered Spirits.
UndeadBone Dragon, Skeleton, Vampire and Mummy - are all considered Undead.
SpiderFlesh Spider and Phase Spiders, are obviously, Spiders.
GolemHaematite Golem, Lava Golem and Armaggio are all considered to be Golems.
I am unsure about this next part:
FlyingPegasus and Wyrms are considered to be Flying Creatures.
SkeletonSkeletons are obviously considered to be Skeletons.
Hopefully, as you can see some of the creatures overlap. For example,
A Bone Dragon has a classification of "Undead Dragon"
A Wyrm is considered to be a "Flying Beast"
A Skeleton is a "Undead Skeleton"
The reason I was unsure about "Flying" is because I want to change the way Dive works. Flying creatures should ignore shield effects, but when they "Dive" they gain 2x attack, but are affected by shields. What this (the entire thread, not just the part about "Flying" & "Diving") will hopefully let us achieve, is cross-element cards which buff a certain "Classification". I'll call one card to your attention, Eclipse. It makes all Death & Darkness creatures more powerful. How about cards which affect a certain "Classification"? This way, you can build a deck around a certain "Type" of card, instead of a certain "Element".
Some example cardswith the new "Classifications" taken into consideration
a Dragon Lord, which adds +2/+2 to all your Dragons in play.
a Beast Master, which "reduces the cost" of all "Beasts" by 1 quanta. (Don't flame this one, it's an example)
a Necromancer, which adds +1/+2 to all "Undead" creatures in play.
a Dark Ritual card, which adds the classification "Undead" to a target creature.
a Spiders Nest permanent, which creates a random "Spider" every turn.
Authors Note:I'm getting a bit sentimental these days
It is my personal belief that Elements
does not need lots of new cards at the moment, it rather needs to expand on what it has. New cards will keep people amused for a while, but to make sure people are hooked, we need to elaborate on the key features and core structure of the game.
Take this analogy; you build a house, it has a foundation, walls, a door, a roof. If you want to add a second floor you have to first remove the roof, and possibly build a new one to put on your second floor, while you do this you add a staircase and decide you want to add a window. The addition of this window will require the outer wall to be changed.
Ultimately, as your house grows in size, it is in danger of collapsing. So, for those of you who are still with me on this, let us try to construct a stronger foundation before our skyscraper collapses in on itself?
Thank you for taking the time to read all that.
Your thoughts, flames and constructive criticisms are what I really want.