Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Game Suggestions and Feedback => Topic started by: Thalas on November 27, 2010, 08:04:02 pm

Title: Creature Art
Post by: Thalas on November 27, 2010, 08:04:02 pm
just art for the cards

(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd106590/Puffer_Fish.png) (http://imageplay.net/)(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd106591/Werewolf.png) (http://imageplay.net/)(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd106592/Charger.png) (http://imageplay.net/)

http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=advasrch-charger%3Afi-name%2Ctags%2Cdescription%3Afu-CREATURE%2CTRIBE_CREATURE%2CCIV_CREATURE%2CSPACE_CREATURE%2CADVENTURE_CREATURE%3Afl-MOST_POPULAR (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=advasrch-charger%3Afi-name%2Ctags%2Cdescription%3Afu-CREATURE%2CTRIBE_CREATURE%2CCIV_CREATURE%2CSPACE_CREATURE%2CADVENTURE_CREATURE%3Afl-MOST_POPULAR)

http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=advasrch-pufferfish%3Afi-name%2Ctags%2Cdescription%3Afu-CREATURE%2CTRIBE_CREATURE%2CCIV_CREATURE%2CSPACE_CREATURE%2CADVENTURE_CREATURE%3Afl-NONE (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=advasrch-pufferfish%3Afi-name%2Ctags%2Cdescription%3Afu-CREATURE%2CTRIBE_CREATURE%2CCIV_CREATURE%2CSPACE_CREATURE%2CADVENTURE_CREATURE%3Afl-NONE)

Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: wizelsnarf on November 27, 2010, 09:43:22 pm
Made with spore like much of the original art.... I assume you made it.

It is actually pretty nice looking overall.

The pufferfish is a little too cartoony for me (the current one is as well)

I like your Werewolf a lot, more than the old one.

The charger, while looking like a cool creature, somehow just doesn't look like a charger. I feel like it needs armor like the original, also the head doesn't do it for me.

You might want to post this in the card art section in the future.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Ryli on November 27, 2010, 11:29:51 pm
I love the werewolf. Not too keen on the others though.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Kamietsu on November 28, 2010, 02:40:22 am
Werewolf is awesome. The original Charger I like much more, same with the Original Puffer Fish.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: zse on November 28, 2010, 01:59:51 pm
Poor little Charger, nobody else but me likes you.
* Here kitty, kitty... ROARR!!! *

I really like how that would make great pair for the upped "armored" version:
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Kamietsu on November 28, 2010, 02:12:15 pm
Poor little Charger, nobody else but me likes you.
* Here kitty, kitty... ROARR!!! *

I really like how that would make great pair for the upped "armored" version:
They sort of look like entirely different species of creatures ^^;

Your version looks somewhat dog+buffalo type of look, while the original looks like a feline on steroids.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: wizelsnarf on November 28, 2010, 04:12:27 pm
Hmm this has me interested in using spore. I was looking at they are selling a creature creator download for only US $2.47. Does anyone now if this is stand alone or if it is an expansion pack?
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Kuross on November 28, 2010, 04:26:08 pm
I love the Werewolf and am a fan of the charger as well  ;)
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: smuglapse on November 28, 2010, 10:50:42 pm
Great job, Thalas.  I hope more people show off their renditions of elements cards.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: EvaRia on November 28, 2010, 11:00:24 pm
Wow, the Werewolf looks awesome, GJ!

Were you the one who made it?

I can't really say the same for the other two though...
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Bloodshadow on November 28, 2010, 11:04:31 pm
Werewolf looks awesome. Puffer Fish is good too, because the original Puffer Fish has legs. The Charger... opinion neutral.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Kamietsu on November 29, 2010, 12:16:40 pm
Hmm this has me interested in using spore. I was looking at they are selling a creature creator download for only US $2.47. Does anyone now if this is stand alone or if it is an expansion pack?
Wow, 2.47? That's super cheap. Last I saw it sold for 10. But Creature Creator is a stand alone program. It's basically made just for creating creatures. The actual spore game has the same feature.
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: SnoWeb on November 29, 2010, 12:29:19 pm
I love the werewolf
Title: Re: Creature Art
Post by: Thalas on November 29, 2010, 12:57:31 pm
Were you the one who made it?
No I just created the backround. None of this is my art
In the sporepedia are great images, I just wanted to show how art can be improved

EDIT: is this pufferfish better?
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd106906/Puffy_Tom.png) (http://imageplay.net/)