What is a turn?
I honestly think this term has so much confusion around it's meaning that we need to clarify what it is. The reason for this is because of cards like purify, adrenaline, icebolt, and sundial. All of these cards are inconsistent with the term "turn" and a lot of broken gameplay results from this.
Some facts to consider:
A) Purifies heal the target 2 hp each turn
B) X delay lasts X turns.
C) Adrenaline causes a creature to "attack multiple times per turn".
D) A creature can only poison the player 2 times per turn.
E) A sundial causes creatures to be "unable to attack for 1 turn".
F) Freeze delays the target for 3 turns.
G) Ice bolt can "freeze the target".
H) If I icebolt a player and it freezes the target (the player in this case) the player's weapon is frozen not the player.
However the following are also facts:
1) If I delay a creature that has adrenaline for 2 turns that creature will break free in 1 and may even do additional attacks.
2) If I sundial an adrenaline creature that create does not attack at all.
3) If I purify an adrenaline creature that creature heals each time it attacks.
People have told me in the chat that a adrenaline actually gives a creature multiple "creature turns" per "player turn". If this were true then sundial means "player turns", icebolt should effect "player turns" and not the player's weapon, and you get the point.
A turn should simply mean "player turn" which consists of that player's draw phase, card placement/ability phase, attack phase, discard phase, and end phase.
A round should simply mean every two turns, which essentially means "until the beginning of your next turn".
Delay should simply mean cannot attack or use abilities for 1 round. If a player is delayed that simply means they cannot attack with their weapon and cannot use their weapon's abilities. If people desire to change the wording for purity and poison to "each attack" then their effects shouldn't occur if they are delayed as the creature didn't attack.