That would be kind of sweet.
At horse races the odds are based on the bets. In other words if 1000 people bet on horse 1, and 500 people bet on horse 2, those numbers set the odds at something like 2/3 payout if horse 1 wins and 2x payout if horse 2 wins.
Don't quote me on how it actually works but the point is that if we had only one FG v FG going on at a time with 200 spectators, the winnings would decrease a lot if you bet on the FG everyone els did.
Hell if 200 people all bet on Rainbow and 0 on Ferox, then no one would make any electrum. But if 199 bet on Rainbow and 1 guy bet on Ferox, then when Rainbow wins, 199 people would get some very small amount of electrum. If ferox won in that case, the 1 guy who bet on him would get like 199 x what he bet which would be amazing.
I don't think this will ever be a priority (a lot of work for something you don't even play) but it is a pretty sweet idea. Make me want to run a text only version, use an rng and take bets.