Looked around and didn't see this thread before, so please link if it already exists.
I am not sure if this is meant to be implemented this way or not, but I have noticed that the game counts healing and damage at the same time when you finish your turn. This is fine in general especially since it saves several seconds at the end of turns by counting both at the same time. However, I have missed out on elemental mastery several times simply because my empathic bond heals have not finished counting before my creatures finish off my opponent.
To be clear, I am not talking about different turns but on the same turn, i.e. My creatures have attack power such that I deal 20 damage across 20 creatures and my HP is at 80 and my opponent is at 1 with empathic bond in play, the creatures attack get their one point of damage in and the match ends before healing is finished calculating.
I am not sure what to propose with regards to fixing this, since I know nothing about coding and whether this might be a big or a small fix, but I do not like missing elemental mastery because my healing was counted too slowly.