Okay, before I get too flamed, I know there is likely to have been posts on this already, but I am not sure where so I figured I'd just start a new thread. Second, I am only suggesting this, not demanding it, so if the community feels these suggestions are bad, I'm a team player, so I'll go with the flow.
1. Have the Oracle always tell me what the next False God will be.
Not much of an oracle if he doesn't know what the next one will be. It's very frustrating to logon in the mornings to do the oracle so you can see what the next FG is and get the "-" answer. It's only the one time in a day you get to know who your next FG is. Even then, there is no guarentee you'll win the match, but the chance to prep against accordingly is really nice.
2. Have the Oracle always tell me what my ept will be.
It's the oracle's pet after all, doesn't he know what he's giving me? That'd be like me saying to a friend...
Me: "say, can you take my pet for a day? I'l be out of town and Spike needs someone to take care of him.
Friend: "Sure, what kind of pet is it?"
Me: "No idea, I just throw food downstairs everyday and it gets eaten by something. See ya tomorrow!"
I don't see why the pet is a mystery. To be honest, knowing what pet I'll be getting makes a difference in what deck I'll be using. Even if, and I hope this won't be the case, I don't know the FG I'll be getting next, at least it'd be nice to know, everytime, what I'll be getting as a pet.
3. If I am not going to win a card, don't tell me what I missed out on.
That's just mean in my opinion. This was brought up in a recent thread so I thought it fitting to add it here. It seems others sometimes gets mixed up on whether or not they won a card and it's very disappointing to see a card you really want spin in front of you only to be told "Ha, you fail, none for you!" Better just to have a popup, or something akin to it, tell you "Your fortune today holds many things, but a card is not one of them" and leave it at that. If I do win a card, don't set it "Get the card" but rather just dump it into my library as if I won it from a spin. It'd be more streamlined and efficient I'd guess and people can be better assured they got the card they won.
Like I said before, these are only suggestions I really hope get some traction, but if not, I'll concede.