This post is made on the assumption that rare cards are now very hard to come by. A person that can only play for 1-2 hours a day will take a very long time to gain enough rares to play competitively.
Let's start off with a question: Do rare cards provide an advantage? It's pretty obvious the answer is yes. The more cards you have access to, the more options you have, the better your decks will be. So how is someone with very few rares supposed to compete in this community? They are pitted against members who have been here for years and come from a time when rares weren't actually rare. When it comes to an event such as the war, they are less likely to be able to take place because generals will prefer to bid on members that can build more decks. Or perhaps the leagues, where rares are very important to increasing your win percentage. There are four ways to obtain rares now: donating, oracle, events, and grinding. No one is going to donate until they have 6/12 of every rare they can obtain that way (although I'm sure Zanz would like it if they did). The oracle is unreliable and so are events. Most rares are obtained through grinding. But even this is highly luck dependent.
One solution to such a problem is to make rares purchasable for exorbitant prices. Either as directly purchasable as in the bazaar or as purchasable through a randomizer that gives you a random rare. Even something like a booster pack.
The whole point of this is to improve the competitive scene in this community by giving players a better chance at obtaining essential cards. Many of you will scream that "rares are supposed to be rare," but you have to ask yourself, is it really about the game any more, or about the community? It's the community that drives this game and keeps it alive. The competitions that make people stick around. The term rare should be a symbolic term and not a literal one. And it's unfair that many of us reaped the benefits of the Top 50 while new players do not have access to something similar.
Again, make rares easier to obtain by making them purchasable in some fashion for a hefty sum. 5000 electrum seems fair to me but that's just the opinion of someone who doesn't play anymore.