So I've noted that in the current game environment there is a distinct pattern emerging in the buff/nerf requests.
Namely, everyone wants better rush cards for their element (or for no one to touch their rush cards, if they're already a strong rush) and to nerf stall cards.
As an example, compare the community's reaction to suggestions to nerf horned frog/giant frog and suggestions to nerf dusk shield. Then compare how often the two cards are used and relative success rates of decks built around them.
Horned frog is a better card, yet more people want to nerf dusk shield. Why is that?
GRINDINGSimply put, I have come to the conclusion that many people are asking to nerf cards not based on whether or not the card is truly overpowered, but because
those cards are slowing down their grinding. In deck discussions right now ttw is given at least as much consideration as win %, if not more.
This destructive to the game environment for several reasons:
it limits deck ideasThere are only so many strategies out there that are fast enough to be considered "good" grinding decks. This means that most people just look up one of the best ones on the forum instead of trying to build their own deck. Consider just how similar many decks look in pvp and t50.
it's frustratingIt isn't unheard of to quit versus certain opponents simply because finishing the match would take to long. The number of "nerf this card" threads devoted to stall cards is a pretty clear sign people get frustrated with stalling. Heck, one of the most infamous stall decks out there is called "Mr. Sexington's
RAGEQUIT" because it's so aggravating to play against.
it dramatically changes the metagameHow many good

grinding decks have you seen? I haven't seen many, simply because

is not fast enough. Speed poison and toadfish decks can be pretty darn fast, but they still can't match a


deck. Basically it's penalizing people playing certain elements and/or strategies.
As you've probably figured out, I've been building up to suggesting my solution, and here it is:
Give an electrum bonus for matches over a certain number of turns.
Now let me run through the advantages:
it wouldn't affect the balance of existing decksA speed EM deck would still be a perfectly viable tactic for grinding AI3 if there was a bonus for a long game. In fact it would make pretty much no difference to a speed EM deck whatsoever it this went into effect.
it doesn't increase the max grinding speed, just makes more ways to achieve itAssuming that the bonus electrum for a long game was balanced with current grinding decks, there wouldn't a sudden spike of people getting fully upped decks overnight, we'd just see more people who are able to grind along at a decent clip.
It'd encourage experimenting with more deck typesAs I kinda pointed out earlier, at the moment you see a lot of the same deck archetypes over and over again. By opening new strategic possibilities we might start seeing more variety start appearing.
Yes, I do realize I'm suggesting buffing stall decks to get people to stop complaining about stall cards.