Stating that something requires a specific counter as unbalanced is like saying Rock-Paper-Scissors is unbalanced. There are enough ways to take out a bonewall. Swarm decks, crowd control, momentum, and now Adrenaline are all valid ways to take it out. You just happened to have the other side of the spectrum: i.e. a scenario that couldn't beat it. But, even still, if you take out the FFQs quickly, then that means no more fireflies and no more skeletons. And then it's just a matter of waiting out the wall. If you rely on Farhenheit too much, then yeah, you might have a problem. In your scenario, a couple of Fire Bolts (Say, three in a row?) would have done the job nicely.
I will agree that the wall might be overpowered, but only to the extent that I might lower the growth to 1 instead of 2. If you want damage-based blocking, go with the Chaos shields.