Minus nymphs/marks, I can declare 6 copies of each card and rares unupped also 600+ upped cards, 200.000+ electrum coins.
I hardly ever use more than 100-200 of those upped cards. Because there is no use in them due to being inferior to other cards or simply not being able to do forum events/tournies with them because everything is unupped.
If it was possible to buy any of the rare card via auction or any way get rare cards with cash i would sell the excessive cards at once.
Its a bad solution.
However I agree this game needs something where spare coins can go that wont put veterans and/or grinders too far ahead of newbies.
And Troh, you are as MrBlonde said very abrasive and harsh in your writing. Even rude sometimes. If people responded in the same tone, every topic would be locked.