I kind of like this idea, or some variation of it.
i dont have a fullly upped deck, i only have 9 upped cards. as for how often do i play a day? rarely. i spend most of my time on this forum. i have a good enough deck to face most people. and every once in a while i try to improve it, but not a s frequently as most others. elements is about strategy and luck. you can alter your luck by building a deck that will give you good draws right off the bat, but you can alter the speed of your deck to increase its power. ive beaten multiple pvp opponents with fully upped decks, while i had less than 10 upped cards. its about skill, not power. though certain skills do need to be backed up with power. elements is a very balanced game, and its because of that it's so popular. i admit, adding another slot wont change the game all that much, but it will alter pvp greatly. it will widen the gap between beginners and veterans. which is not what we want as a community (as i presume from MULTIPLE threads).
Perhaps you would be more sympathetic towards grinding if you had actually done it yourself, then? I seem to recall quite a bit of complaining during your trial because you knew you would lose a match where your opponent had more upped cards. It does make a difference.
Also, there are several things that will widen the gap between beginner and veteran, and I don't believe changing slots is one of them. Veterans
already have the cards, so one more copy won't affect them much. Or if they really want one, they have spare electrum to buy it. Getting cards to new players, who don't have the cards and cannot afford to buy them, will CLOSE the gap with older players, not widen it.
I think the reason you're proposing this is because you're farming level 3 and top 50 too much. You should've already started False Gods. Don't be afraid to lose; I lost 7+ times before I finally beat my first.
No, he's right. The FGs really can't be beat with any decent percentage without at least a mostly upped deck. I've been farming them since 1.17
or 1.18. The quanta cost of key cards has gone up, there are more FGs so it's harder to prepare for them all or to consistently face easier ones, and the AI has been
vastly improved. I'd go so far as to say that playing AI5 now is equivalent to playing FGs 6 months ago.
If I had to play against level 3 and T50 for 2 months, I would've quit during the 2nd week.
I think this will become a very real problem for this game if things stay the way they are. I'm not saying this like I'm whining, I have about 200-300 upped cards and can farm FGs. But all those changes that made FGs harder affected AI3, Top50, and AI5 as well. Further, most of the fun in this game is the ability to build your OWN decks, which requires not only a fair amount of cards, but some capital to purchase and upgrade them. If players can't get to that point fairly quickly, they will get bored and leave. People play CCGs to be creative, not to follow a cookie cutter deck and grind for an extended period of time.