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AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:09:20 am »
AI, or artificial intelligence, is what plays the opponents decks from AI0 - False Gods, Bronze League to Platinum.
To make the game as fun and challenging as possible, please post any mistakes or bad decisions the AI makes against you - with screenshots and details if possible.

A list of these will slowly be compiled in attempt to store all information so that the game can continue to improve.

Thanks for your help!

Antimattering its own creatures when they reach >50 Attack.
Switching between Acceleration and Overdrive (when it has access to both)
Using the Freeze and Shockwave effect on a creature which would die to Shockwave (or other CC which the ai is about to use)
Stacking multiple buffs on one creature (when it would be better on others - eg Scorpions, Sparks)
Using buffs directly after the Deja Vu ability / Playing Parallel Universe
Not using nightmares on GoTP even when it has one in hand and playable that turn.
Using Deja Vu/Flying Weapon/Scarab/Firefly even when field is full.
Not accounting Ustable Gases when considering Miracle/Stone Skin/Heals
Being able to Paradox Poisoned creatures.
Use weapons abilities before flying them
Buffing/Fractalling Ash over Phoenixes
Does not empty hand before playing Fractal (misses out on potential extra creatures/damage)
Uses cards like Luciferen/Stone Skin/Shard of Patience even when absolutely nothing will happen
Replacing weapons and shields (whole priority system here, with Steal options as well)
Uses Shard of Serendipity when hand is near full.
Using Overdrive on opponents creatures, then Basilisk Blood.
Burrowing creatures with quintessence.
Using Antimatter before pandemonium.
Does not always take into account creature status/abilities when RT'ing. (eg, Skeleton with Mitosis vs regular, two opposing creatures, one with adrenaline)
Plays both Dissipation Shield as Sanctuary when it shouldn't.
Fractal priority targets need some work (fractals flying weapons over some creatures for example)
Doesn't use a free Time ability gained from SoR twice. (example: doesn't use the flying Eternity rewind twice after buffing it with SoR)
Doesn't unburrow creatures when it's in kill range.
Using Quintessence on unbuffed Dune Scorpions or Death Stalkers.
Suicides with SoSa + Vampires/Black Hole.
Uses reverse Time when opponent is about to deck out, preventing it's own win.
Uses PU on an unbuffed Dune Scorpion while it was able to PU a momentumed one.

Arena decks set to one Health should not play Miracle

This is just where there are a few which I think would be more fleshed out with more information. Keen to help out?

Diving/Playing a Spark when Phase Shield is Up. (Sundial? Cloak? Wings -and spiders?)
Priority Targeting of RoL, does this change when Hope is up? Do no creatures take priority? Etc)
The Playing of shields on top of each other. Which ones, when/how - and whether it is useless from every standpoint, or a situational one.
Using Immolation when Bone Wall is up (and ai has nothing useful, bar a deflag). - Does it occur with other death effects, and will it in a majority of cases actually help the ai more than it hurts?

Example of Situational standpoint - AI Nightmares GoTP when you have 30 Time quanta. Bad in that situation, usually good.
Example of when its bad in every standpoint - Have a Dusk. Play a Fog.

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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 01:25:19 am »
Is this a continuation of the old thread? (similar to BP starting a new Ask BP! thread?)
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2011, 11:47:54 pm »
Is this a continuation of the old thread? (similar to BP starting a new Ask BP! thread?)
Yes and no.

It's the same thread, but newer, shinier and better. It just needs some of those eager and helpful forumers to start fillin' it up!

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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 12:00:09 am »
AI will congeal and then shockwave a creature that would die to just shockwave

AI really hates ROL, and will reverse time it over bigger theats (I had about 10 ROLs and a golden dragon, AI hit an ROL)

The frequently mentioned playing shields on top of each other

Using parallel universe or splitting a deja vu and then playing a buff on one of them afterwards.

Stacking multiple buffs on one scorpion when other 0 attack ones are on the field.

Playing a spark or diving when phase shield is up.

Played a nightmare on its (already out) devourer and then immediately played a GotP
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2011, 02:24:01 am »
Major ones IMO:

AI Antimattering it's own creatures when they hit 50+ attack. (Seriously, lolwut?)
AI switching between Accel and Overdrive when it has access to both.

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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2011, 06:25:13 am »
It was about time a new one of these was created. Hopwfully Zanz will pay attention to this one since it wont be a huge mess like the other one was.
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2011, 10:36:30 am »
Using Deja vu / flying weapons when field is full.
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 08:17:33 am »
ai casts stone skin only when its going to die or when it might die soon, but not when i have several unstable gases
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2011, 08:21:25 am »
Using Deja vu / flying weapons when field is full.
Also, Scarab and Firefly.
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2011, 09:17:50 am »
I would simplify the congeal one to just congeal then any cc card after.

- holding back adrenaline or only using green nymph on 1 creature
- fractal targeting could use an upgrade to upgrade higher cost cards with more quanta.
- liquid shadow usage (especially jezebel)
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2011, 01:13:51 pm »
I think the AI should be able to paradox poisoned creatures and devour with creatures that were just buffed and use the ability of weapons before it flies them.
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Re: AI Improvements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2011, 01:53:53 pm »
- AI constantly plays Fractal first and then plays other cards in hand, instead of emptying its hand first to be able to get more Fractal copies.

And a couple of bugs with Phoenix:
- AI doesn't use Immolation on Phoenix.
- AI will place buffs on Ashes and turn them into Phoenix right after.
- AI will Fractal Ashes over Phoenix.

It's not necessarily a bug, but it would also be an improvement if the AI would consider using Chimera and Sky Blitz even if it won't kill the opponent in that same turn (to bypass shields - Chimera - or to be able to use multiple copies of the card - Sky Blitz). On the other hand, the AI shouldn't normally play those cards when there's a sundial in the field (it does it with Chimera, not sure about Sky Blitz, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did - it should be the same programing that makes it dive creatures that won't cause damage that turn).

