in the war and in turnys i have seen a lot of desynks. but is what kills me is when im winning by a long shot and next thing i know i see a message from the guy im dueling saying we desynk, at some point in time 1 of these guys had to let the time run out or quit so thy can get a bedder hand, is what i ask is for info markers to be added, so if you let it time out a marker pops up saying he times out or he hit the main menu tab, or a drop out, eh of these can be added to programing and with them when we take pics we can understand more of whats going on,
example: p1: takes a pic of p2 timeing out. if it's legit (aka game crash) thin p2 can show proof of p1 timeing out. if he cant thin it will show p1 as stell playing and you will see no markers.