Here is where the problem comes. To become Trainer-Like and have 6 of each card, and 24 of all pillars/pendulums, you have to have 3396 cards. Half of those are upgraded so the total for upgrades is 1698. You would have to get 4.7 upped cards a day to become trainerlike. New cards are added almost monthly. I would say the rate of 2.5/month avgs out pretty close to the realism of it. So after you got your 4.7 upped cards a day, and finally have all of them, you realize you only have all the upped cards that were available 1 year ago. One year later means that there are 30 new cards out, and you need to get 6 of them, so you need to get 180 more cards (and thats upped version only. So continuing at your previous rate, you will take 38 more days to get them all. So all in all it takes just over 13 months if you get 4.7 upped cards a day. I doubt very many people get that many upped cards a day, some maybe not even in a week. This goal is all to unrealistic, and would require having no life whatsoever. Aside form that, just to keep up with the rate of how new cards are coming out, you will need to get the equivilant of almost 1 rare card a day.
I know, DB wont let you hold all of the cards, this is just an example though