Light quanta generating ability of Solar Shield should not be negated by Sanctuary. It seems to defeat the purpose of it as most Light decks are going to use Sanctuary.
I also think spiders should be given venom ability instead of web. Web is practically useless in current game. Wings isn't even in same element as any of the spiders. Until there is a spell that does damage to all non-airborne in a more useful manner, Web isn't worth much. Or perhaps web could be changed to incapacitate small creatures ( Strength+hp <4) for 3 rounds.
Flooding should not effect airborn creatures.
Dragons should have breath weapons. As they currently exist they would be better represented by large Golems for each element
3 - Healing Breath - heal all your creates by 3hp
3 - Breath of Darkness - Your creatures and permanents are invisible for 1 turn.
3 - Fire Breath - Deal 4 damage to target.
3 - Chaos Breath - Target creature turns into mutant.
3 - Breath of Undeath - Target creature takes 2 damage. If it would die it becomes a Skeleton
5 - Poison Breath - All opponents creatures become poisoned
3 - Breath of Growth - All your creatures gain +0/+1
3 - Target creature goes bank into owner's deck
3- Lightning Breath - Target takes 4 damage.
3 - Gravity Breath - Target creature becomes too heavy to act (delayed) next turn. If airborn also takes 2 damage (fall)
3 - Stone Breath - Target creature takes 2 damage with small chance of petrification
3 - Stone Breath - Target creature becomes stoned and does nothing but eat chips for next 6 rounds (delayed)

3 - Gale Wind Breath - All opponents creatures takes 2 damage unless airborn
2 - Fog Breath - Opponents creatures have 40% chance to miss you this turn
3- Frost Breath - Target takes 2 damage and has chance of freezing.
I know. Not a 'little change'. So sue me.

Discord should only do conversion if it does damage. It seems like a result of hit ability to me like Vampire Dagger and Arsenic and it does enough damage to bypass most shields anyway.
Shrodenger's cat should have percent chance to fail to produce result. It's a cat. Ever try to train one?
Vultures should not gain in size when skeletons, sparks, photons, golems, virus, animated weapons, spirits, ghosts, steam machines, or voodoo dolls die. What are they eating? Should gain double when dragons and other large creatures die. I am not advicating this be changed, I am just saying.

If Voodoo doll is given momentum/adrenaline it should affect opponent's weapon. If mutated, weapon should randomly change to other weapon.
If you protect a cloak, you should be shot.
Any creature that misses attack due to fog shield should be delayed for 1 turn (lost in fog).
Anything shot by Owl's Eye should be eaten, because otherwise hunting is just wrong.

Reflective shield should reduce one damage as emerald shield does.
Fog shield should be renamed Wind Shield, because it would just be funnier.
OK. Sorry. Some of these are just jokes. Sue me. I will provide lawyer contact information upon request.