2) If attacker has creatures that inflict poison, like Puffer Fish or Flying Arsenic, poison should be inflicted to any gravity pulled creature on defender side.
2.2) Gravity pulled creature should attract weapon damage (TheManuz)
3) Guardian Angel skill could damage undead creatures (shmuck)
8.) Freeze could be able to target opponent and freeze his weapon (Xenocidius)
12) Upped Sundial could have cost of 1 generic quanta, to not interfere wit mulligan (Jaxly / Xenocidius).
15) Lycanthrope / Werewolf could change element to Darkness after using skill and receive effects from cards like Eclipse and Holy Light (Marvaddin)
2 and 2.2 make a lot of sense to me. 3, 12 and 15 would be the perfect little buff (not game changing but still good) those cards would need (15 in particular).
8 makes sense and would give water the PC it needs. Moreover, I think lightning, shock-wave and then freeze should be refelected by reflective and jade shields. However, I don't think squid should be affected by these changes.
My suggestions:
- Shard of readiness should be able to target permanents.
- Heal should be reflected by mirror and jade shields.
- Weapon should be affected by turtle shield (as they are by dusk and fog).