Okay, before I get shot over this one, I know that an argument can be brought against what I am about to suggest and I will try to address it momentarily.
This thought only applies to a few, select creatures, but in the future there will be new creautres that may possess similar abilities and I figured why not cover them as well. Question is- should effects, like Freeze and Delay, prevent abilities that involve the sacrafice of a creature, such as Virus?
On one hand the argument can be that it is the creature doing the sacraficing and thus can be abated by CC, but on the other hand, am I not the being in control of the creatures summoned to fight for me? Do I care if my virus is a bit on the frozen side or slowed when I sacrafice it for it's effect?
I guess the real question is who is doing the actual sacraficing? Me or the creature. Given how the game works, in that I am a being who is part of, and able to, control an element and thus use my powers to battle, don't I do the sacraficing? If so, then Freeze wouldn't stop me from sacraficing a virus. Maybe the Virus I summoned has a living will in that he bequethes to me, the elemental that summoned him, that should he ever be comatose from a delay that I should sacrafice him for the better good.
Meh, maybe I am going off on some wild tangent and this is completely off base, but I am curious about whether or not others have thought along these lines in the past.