I started to post this as a reply to a thread about prohibiting quantum pillars in PVP, but I realized it's a separate idea so I'm starting a new thread.
I wouldn't want to ban quantum pillars, on the contrary, I think they're great. In fact I thought it was a bad idea when zanz was thinking about nerfing them to give 2.5 quanta, and here's why:
There's a whole metagame in Elements revolving around building the best rainbow false god killer. I think that that challenge has inspired some of the most creative ideas in the game. There used to be one anti-fg deck with variations, but there's really quite a variety now. And it's not easy. I was playing back when people were getting almost %80 win ratios with fully upgraded decks, now you're lucky to get %50. And as harder false gods get added, AI gets improved, and cards get nerfed, I'm afraid it's going to get lower. If it gets much harder, it's going to stop being a fun challenge, and start being a boring grind. It's already starting to feel that way to me.
So I don't think rainbow decks should be nerfed, if anything they should be encouraged-- as its own metagame. The problem comes when that's all that people play, including in PVP. So I propose a "quantum pillar restricted PVP" option. The unrestricted PVP would still exist, but this would be an option for people who want to play non-rainbow decks against other non-rainbow decks. If it had its own rewards, then it would encourage people to build a greater variety of decks. It would strengthen the PVP metagame as a separate path from the quest metagame, making the game more dynamic.