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Offline dawn to duskTopic starter

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  • dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
  • Awards: 14th Trials - Master of LightSlice of Elements 11th Birthday Cake13th Trials - Master of LightWar #12 - Sportsmanship AwardSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeCard Design Competition - The Fool Winner12th Trials - Master of LightDeckbuilding Competition - Elelections WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Design July 2015 - Bronze9th Trials - Master of LifeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWar #8 - Sportsmanship Award8th Trials - Master of LifeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday Cake
Forum Expert Task [Round 2] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61414.msg1226578#msg1226578
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:27:29 am »
Spoiler for Elements The (Alternate) Game:
If Elements The Game was not a card game, we propose the idea for it to be a Turn Based, Pet Collecting-Esque style game. It consists of 12 characters, each with a series of abilities named after, and inspired by, Standard EtG card and ability names. The names of these characters are inspired by the names of the pure Element Half Bloods.

Spoiler for Standard Rules:
Standard Rules are as follows:
  • Turn Based, one person takes their action, then the other. Coin Flip starts the match.
  • Up to 3 characters to a team.
  • Each character starts with 50hp.
  • Substitutions are standard. DoT and HoT (Damage/Healing over time respectively) effects remain until switched in again, other effects like Stasis do not. Counters on abilities like Bolt reset.
  • Objective is to reduce all opponent's Characters' hp to 0.
  • The examples of abilities below do not account for the full amount of abilities. Furthermore, a character may only be able to have up to 5 abilities at any one time.
Spoiler for Elemental Characters & Ability Examples for each:
Entropy - Discord
Scramble - Deal 3 damage. Your opponent can not use a random ability next turn.
Antimatter - Next turn, each player's damage and healing is inverted.

Death - Mortis
Curse (passive) - Your attacks instead deal the same amount of damage over the next 3 turns.
Mark of Death - Deal damage equal to the amount of Damage over Time counters on your opponent. Ignores Curse.

Gravity - Massa
Gravity Shift - Buffs and passives now effect the opposing player for 1 turn.
Event Horizon - If neither player dies in the next two turns, reset both player's Health to full. Can only be used once.

Earth - Terra
Titanium Exoskeleton (Passive) - You take 2 less damage from all sources.
Warhammer - Deal 12 damage. Cannot be used next turn.

Life - Vital
Invigorate (passive) - Your healing effects instead heal the same amount of damage over the next 3 turns.
Power of Life - Deal damage equal to twice your current Healing Over Time

Fire - Pyrofuze
Rage Potion (Buff) - Your next attack deals double damage, but you take damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt.
Ignite - Deal 3 damage. Damage increases by 1 for each time this ability has been used.

Water - Aquarius
Freeze - Neither player can use activated abilities during the next turn.
Submerge (Buff) - Your opponent takes the same amount of damage that you do, next turn.

Light - Lumiel
Sanctuary (Passive) - Your Passive can not be cancelled. Regain 10% of your maximum hp per turn.
Miracle (Passive) - If you are to die, restore yourself to 1hp. Can only be used once.

Air - Aries
Soar (Buff) - You have a 40% chance to avoid attacks next turn.
Double Strike - Strike twice, dealing 3 damage each.

Time - Chronos
Hasten - Each player activates a random ability. If this ability is a buff, it is used on a random target.
Stasis -  Passives do not activate this turn. Deal 2 damage for each passive effected by this.

Darkness - Shadow
Nightmare (Passive) - Opponent passives are cancelled.
Drain Life - Deal 5 damage. Heal for that amount.

Aether - Aetheric
Mindgate (Passive) - Each turn, becomes the ability last activated by your opponent (Passives are excluded).
Bolt - Deal 8 damage. Damage decreases by 1 for each time this ability has been used.
Spoiler for Other Notes:
  • I suppose the game would primarily be downloaded so that it can support frequent balance updates.
  • Campaign would be similar to the acquiring of classes in games such as HearthStone, however an extended, and more themed campaign would most likely be included at some point.
  • Primarily PvP, of course, due to the above point.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 09:32:18 am by dawn to dusk »

