I have chosen my childhood sports hero,
Brett Favre as the basis of my deck.
rob77dp's Homage to Brett Favre, Retired NFL QuarterbackBrett Favre, QB
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5ih 5ih 5oh 5oh 5uq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 77a 77m 77m 77m 77m 77m 7ai 7ai 7ai 7jr 7jr 7jr 7qb 8pm
*Note* While this deck does not play particularly well, each card has been selected with a purpose and therefore it has very solid ties to the task of connecting a deck to a hero.
Explanation of cards:Steel GolemBrett Favre - 4 cost creature representing his jersey number (4) and the Steel Golem's 9 HP are representative of his toughness (record 297 consecutive regular season starts).
Vanadium WardenOffensive Line - 'Guard' ability represents what offensive lineman do for a quarterback (such as Brett Favre) with the quantity 5 being representative of the typical NFL 5 offensive lineman sets or lineups. Also, they are the same element, like a 'team', as the main hero!
PegasusReceivers - Fast and can 'fly' down the field (airborne in Elements; running fast in slang real life language) for targets for the Quarterbacks to throw to.
PrecognitionPre-snap read of the defense by the quarterback.
Improved HealTrainers and team doctors.
NightfallLet's play this game at night...
Thunderstorm...in bad weather...
Flooding...flooding the playingfield.
Entropy Pendulums and
SupernovaQuanta generation so the deck can play cards as a deck and not just be a lifeless pile of cards.