TNT: Toadally Newtral Team
AB: Abyss Brawlers
LoS: League of Shadows
FHM: Fiery-Hot Mistake
TC: The Chaosomes
Gaia's Pride: Gaia's Pride
Boss | AB - the quality of the lyrics, guitar, and overall production is top-notch given timeframe etc, so well done! | TC - beat out 3rd place LoS with full-length nature and a touch of extra quality. | Artist | Gaia's Pride - easily the best of the submissions. | TC - sock-Devourer is genius and I feel a step above the electronic-Lego frog and Shrieker sketch. LoS for some reason had TWO submissions in one with no explanation for both - only a picture of the dragon in "Raw Images"... | CD | Gaia's Pride - ability closely tied to Cockatrice in RL mythology and literature. Also this card is currently WAAAY overshadowed by Frog. | LoS - best of the rest here... it wasn't a buff of an already powerful card (Frog), did not have a very very confusing and difficult to interpret ability (Abom), it was not a non-existing vanilla card (Cow), and it was not simply way way too OP in submission form (Spark). | DB | AB - My own GP submission was not even up-to-the-task and was not a trio (oversight on my part) and hence AB goes from 2nd to 1st on my vote here with a really well done deck, explanation, and story. | LoS - the aspect of defeating FG's with it is totally great and bumped it to #3, getting #2 vote due to non-trio for GP and TC. | FE | Gaia's Pride - vote own team, got it. | LoS - I do so vote LoS here in large part owing to the grouping of the elements, fascinating (even if this grouping does already exist elsewhere. | Writer | Gaia's Pride - twist of what you might expect given the task's prompt. | AB - Mmmmmmmmm, tasty test-based adventure of getting out of a room. Yes! | Bonus | Gaia's Pride | LoS - the integration of sword hilt as the "V" for Roman numeral 5 representing fifth Brawl tilted to the favor of my vote on LoS. |
Boss -- Wow, first time that I recall not voting my own team. I _have_ to vote those two I did... just wow.
DB -- Make it twice now as my DB submission deserves no vote from me having missed the fact of the task asking for trio decks.