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Round 3 - GP - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61518.msg1227511#msg1227511
« on: March 14, 2016, 11:06:32 pm »
Time's up!

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[td]Team Vote[/td][td]Round 3[/td][td]by [/td]

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Re: Round 3 - GP - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61518.msg1227596#msg1227596
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 12:02:03 pm »
Team VoteRound 3by Discord
BossGaia's PrideFiery Hot Mixtape: This card seems balanced, I also like how they
didn't choose the "kill" fieldwipe.
Artist/FEGaia's PrideChaosomes: Beautiful, just beautiful~
DBGaia's PrideAbyss Brawlers: Good old classic sader deck!
and to top it off, 5 :)
CD/WriterGaia's PrideLeague Of Shadows: This is cool. I like the way they did
what they did.
ChallengeToadally Newtral Team:
It was good
Abyss Brawlers:
This was good too.
Team :entropy War #14
The :light of my :fire guides the way...
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Offline rob77dp

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Re: Round 3 - GP - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61518.msg1227968#msg1227968
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2016, 09:11:03 pm »
TNT: Toadally Newtral Team
AB: Abyss Brawlers
LoS: League of Shadows
FHM: Fiery-Hot Mistake
TC: The Chaosomes
Gaia's Pride: Gaia's Pride

Team VoteRound 3by rob77dp
BossGaia's PrideLoS - A very nicely done card here that interestingly combines a no-cost card that is still tied to an elemental affinity for it to be strong(er).
Artist/FEGaia's PrideTC - beat out LoS just barely, and NOT because they had actual sign ability -- not a fan of that being a reason to vote up a submission.  However, that BACKGROUND is superb and integrating signup into the login page is quite nice.
DBGaia's PrideTC - I love the tie of 5th Brawl to the difficult-to-do of 5-cost for this task!
CD/WriterGaia's PrideAB - TNT has a misspelled 2nd word in their card text, nope. TC is borderling overpowered without ability and then the ability puts it too far over the top for my taste. LoS I was just too lost on how it relates to the task - maybe my fault or theirs depending on how obvious their card's relation to the task should be for the average Elements player/voter. This leaves AB's kitsune as a very nice 2nd place submission!
ChallengeGaia's PrideAB - the challenge made a fairly pointed focus to require a twist, this one's twist wins for me.
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

Offline dawn to dusk

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Re: Round 3 - GP - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61518.msg1227978#msg1227978
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2016, 10:33:39 pm »
Team VoteRound 3by
BossGaia's PrideAbyss Brawlers - Process of elimination, some of the cards are interesting (like FHM's), but they hinder the user too much. In the case of FHM's, darkness uses vampires, and not many heavy hitters. Hindering this could be detrimental. In the case of AB, while I do not mind the card, I dislike the mentality of "It may be overpowered so lets give it a high cost," but it is my favourite one there. Note that our submission does not hinder the user too much as you can still use Immortals with it.
Artist/FEGaia's PrideLeague of Shadows - Really nicely done here, deserves all the votes it gets
DBGaia's PriddleAbyss Brawlers - A toss up between this and Chaosomes, this deck won it because of the Tower Shield. Love that addition.
CD/WriterGiddle's PriddleLeague of Shadows - Partly process of elimination, partly that I like the submission. The card could be explained a bit more, but other than that, I like the diary entries, and the card. Process of elimination is due to me not liking many of the other cards, but of those that I did like, LoS was mt favourite.
ChallengeWhat am I even doing any more?Abyss Brawlers - I will admit, TNT's was hard to read, since it had little to nothing in the way of spacing and formatting, while AB's was MUCH better in that regard. They were both interesting, and it may have been closer if it weren't for the formatting.

Offline AD TienzuStorm

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  • I'm back bitches
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 6th Birthday Cake
Re: Round 3 - GP - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61518.msg1227979#msg1227979
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2016, 10:54:23 pm »
Team VoteRound 3by AD TienzuStorm
BossGPFHM - Close tie with AB, but I found that the high cost as a balance mechanism left a sour taste in my mouth. This card was elegant and practical, although I would prefer it not be in Darkness because Darkness doesn't need to be any stronger :P
Artist/FEGPFHM - This one was very difficult. I enjoyed AB's and LoS's, but I found that the very Element-esque design of this one (rather than the modern bubbly design the others used) appealed to me a lot. Also, props for drawing that, it looks amazing even when compared to computer made things!
DBGPLoS - Close with AB, but overall I like SoP Dolls as a deck better (and I just personally love Water/Darkness duos :D)
CD/WriterGPLoS - Process of elimination, I found reasons to dislike the others (unrelated story, bad card, making up mechanics yet not explaining, etc.)
Challenge--AB - Liked the twist here much better. It was also formatted much nicer and was overall just more appealing.
:light War #9 - Team Light :light | :life Brawl #5 - Gaia's Pride :life
Check out my card Flock!


blarg: rob77dp