WoE still doing stuff? Sorry I have posted this question on several threads, it is just... I am very curious.
We are doing some serious coding and planning behind the scenes. There will be a final set of testing, after we will launch WoE. The launch will be.. interesting since 95% of time has been building the framework of the event, not testing actual balance. This means that a LOT of things will probably change during the first few weeks.
Whatever happens, I think it's going to be an awesome event. The simple fact that there will be 156 players running around the map, will make it pretty epic.

Also, sorry to everyone who applied to alpha in that last batch. I had everyone's PM's tagged and lined up nicely in my inbox, but just didn't have time to send the invitations and set up the whole thing. If it's any consolation, you can join the live event very soon.

Anyone who applied in that final batch but didn't get access, will get first picks when choosing a team (just like all the current alpha testers).