The server transfer is complete. These forums are now running on a
dedicated server.
I won't bore you with the technical details but having a dedicated server basically means that instead of sharing one server with a bunch of other websites, we have own very own server. Somewhere in Texas there is a big piece of metal with the words "Elements Community" written on it.
What does this mean for the end user?
Well, not much really. Everything still looks and functions like it did yesterday. One difference is that you should see a small improvement in loading times because of dedicated server and this APC cache module I just installed. Biggest difference is that we can now add more stuff without needing to worry about over-using server CPU or anything like that. We have even more control and options than what we had before.
Here are the 4 sites that will be on this server (only forums are at the moment): it will take some time to set those all up.