Ideas might be considered for event cards, but it won't be revealed that your idea will be used until it's used. I'm not sure if SG and the current war masters have already decided on the full set of event cards or not. As for the war masters, at the moment we have safko and Azumi. SG may be involved somewhat. The council will likely make addressing the war the highest priority, so we might appoint an additional war master. We haven't gotten to discuss any of this yet, but that's how I think things will progress.
Speaking of event cards... I really don't think there should be one that grants people upgraded cards for a round. Some people who sign up will be newbs with under 10k score, unable to upgrade that many cards. If such event cards exist, masters would be naturally forced to exclude those people and find ones with the financial ability to upgrade cards, which would suck.
The problem is that we can never make the event 100% "fair" because there are only 72 spots available. Like with War #1, some players
will be left out and there's nothing we can do about that.
Think about it like this: is it more fair to leave out non-newbies then? If someone has to be left out, doesn't it make more sense that a new player with..
A) less experience
B) less upped cards
C) more likelihood of disappearing after round 1 left out, than someone who has been with Elements a while? If I was a veteran with a big pile of upped cards and cash, and was left out because of some "newbie quota", I would be pissed.
Also we are not really leaving newbies out here because Masters are not really forced to do anything. Each Master can choose their own auction strategy, and they can still by 5 total newbies for a total of 5 cards. Sure it might give some disadvantage, but it also gives a nice card advantage at the beginning.