Jijo and Iancu already told me that it was Iancu's job to find an Entropy General because of his retirement. Because he
couldn't find a willing one to live up to his expectations the problem got landed into the Council's hand.
It is really strange that it wasn't publicized that we are in need of an Entropy General, so it wasn't possible to apply for it.
I really do think that there would have been enough time to do that.
And why am I writing this post? You cannot really imagine how it feels to get discarded without a real competition.
As a newcomer and trialist I invested a lot of time into this game, into my beloved Element. A far more than healthy amount.
To get things perfectly clear: I'm not saying that the generalship should have been handed to me on a silver platter, no.
Entropy should have been treated like Fire and Gravity. If Iancu haven't found a suitable stand-in, then let people
apply for it. Without a possibility for application it just feels awful. And I don't wish you to know how this really feels.