Some changes to PvP section staff.
safko01 has been appointed Warmaster. He will work as the primary Warmaster for the rest of War #1. I will be working as a secondary Warmaster.
If you have some questions or comments about War, please post them on the public topics. If you have a question or a comment that is a "secret", please PM it to
When War #2 starts, we will appoint a 2nd Warmaster to work with safko01 (I already have a name ready), and I will shift my focus on WoE.
killsdazombies has been basically working part-time as a tournament organizer ever since he became Warmaster, stepping up to the plate when others disappeared. This is why he will be moved to that important position working on it full-time. It's important that all weekly tournaments happen, so we need an active member like killsdazombies to make sure they do.
Gratz to both and welcome to the team safko01.