Part 2 of Phase 2 has started. You have 5 days to complete it. Here's the thread:,5852
Hm.. US players kind of got shafted in this card picking thing because I posted this when US players are sleeping. Sorry about that. We'll change that in the upcoming events.
Nonsense! I'M awake and ready to do these phases! =D
.......kind of. >.< It's not your fault - for future reference, though, you should at least make a post stating 'how many hours' are left till you post up a new phase/part of a competition so that people can either plan out their schedules (to wake up early, stay up an hour later, etc.) for the topics in question.
and what is the final battle?? i'm new here so i don't get that
That's when the best challenger fights the current Master of element for title.
Who decides when challengers tie?
In case of a tie, the winner of the PvP battle (phase 3) gets the win.
Damn. Next time make sure the PvP section is last otherwise we will feel demoralised and just skip the other sections. Kuroaitou and I have no chance now that the battle has passed unless Xinef just drops his part 2 objective deliberately.
That's probably what happened to WayneCore, ever since the popularity vote came out. >_>
Oh well. I'm still going to do Phase 2 just because It'd be messed up if I decided to drop out due to me not being the master. Experience is greater than the title, in my opinion, even if it's not as much as the better competitors.