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News and Announcements => Forum News and Announcements => Topic started by: Scaredgirl on May 04, 2011, 08:54:15 am

Title: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: Scaredgirl on May 04, 2011, 08:54:15 am
Myself and other PvP organizers have been working on a new warning system, designed to limit players quitting mid-way or behaving badly, like starting a flame war over some ruling, or refusing to take orders from the event organizer.

We came up with a PvP Parasite system. (http://i.imgur.com/o0vlx.jpg) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25593.0.html)

Basic idea is that if you disrupt an event, you will get one or more Parasites, which prevent you from being able to join any new PvP events. One Parasite lasts for 4 weeks, after which you can again join any PvP Event.

This system is not some kind of evil plot against players. It's merely designed to help all events run more smoothly, without having delays and inconveniences because some players start drama or quit because they got bored.

Parasites will be used in all new PvP events starting from this day forward. Events that are currently running, won't be using the Parasite system.

When you sign up to an event, I recommend you make sure that you have time to finish it. If there is a strong possibility that you don't have time to finish it, please don't sign up, and let someone else (with time) take your place.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 04, 2011, 08:55:48 am
looks good with PvP events, war, trials, and leagues

but I still think it's a little too rigged for tourneys
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: pikachufan2164 on May 04, 2011, 09:04:22 am
looks good with PvP events, war, trials, and leagues

but I still think it's a little too rigged for tourneys
Leagues and Tournaments work on a slightly different system.

Failure to complete 30 matches in a season of Leagues results in a ban from the next season of Leagues. Suddenly leaving without forfeiting and other minor infractions during Tournaments results in a one-week ban from Tournaments.

Generally, it would take a fairly serious amount of disruption for someone to get a Parasite from Leagues or Tournaments.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 04, 2011, 09:09:45 am
looks good with PvP events, war, trials, and leagues

but I still think it's a little too rigged for tourneys
Leagues and Tournaments work on a slightly different system.

Failure to complete 30 matches in a season of Leagues results in a ban from the next season of Leagues. Suddenly leaving without forfeiting and other minor infractions during Tournaments results in a one-week ban from Tournaments.

Generally, it would take a fairly serious amount of disruption for someone to get a Parasite from Leagues or Tournaments.
I know they have different systems, but the system for tourneys is kinda unfair imo
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: Scaredgirl on May 04, 2011, 09:23:52 am
I know they have different systems, but the system for tourneys is kinda unfair imo
In a perfect world, people would not join Tournaments when they know they probably won't have time to finish them. They wouldn't quit mid-way to go see the new episode of Simpsons. They also wouldn't join Tournaments when they know their internet connection is acting up, or if their computer is just about to explode.

Unfortunately we are not living in a perfect world, and those things happen, which is why we need rules to discourage that kind of behavior.

Of course sometimes something unexpected happens, and you have to quit. This is why the Tournament ban lasts only a week. You curse your bad luck, skip one Tournament, and get ready for the next one.

I mean.. what exactly is the problem here? Should the system be more forgiving to frequent quitters?
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 04, 2011, 09:40:03 am
right now, we are not working based upon one's word any more
most tournament drop outs I have seen are due to technical issues, and not the player's fault, but TOs are not willing to just believe them it seems like, unless proven guilty, they are innocent, and we can't really hold trials here.... so they should just be assumed truthful when they say it was truly an emergency/technical issue

the system should be on a "honor" system, the more tourneys you join and finish (without causing trouble), the more leeway you have, once you make trouble, you lose all your honor gathered up, but in turn, you get less punishment

I think it will work for events as well
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: Scaredgirl on May 04, 2011, 10:00:57 am
right now, we are not working based upon one's word any more
most tournament drop outs I have seen are due to technical issues, and not the player's fault, but TOs are not willing to just believe them it seems like, unless proven guilty, they are innocent, and we can't really hold trials here.... so they should just be assumed truthful when they say it was truly an emergency/technical issue
You have no way of knowing that. I could tell you any kind of story from exploding router to my cat going mad, and you have zero way of knowing whether I'm telling the truth or not. And if you use a system where you believe everything someone says on the internet, then you should really rethink that strategy. I personally have heard a million different excuses, but I have yet to heard one that says "I got bored". Weird, huh? :)

Innocent until proven guilty does not work here, because we have no way of proving these things. If you say you have to quit because your uncle died, do you expect me to demand a picture of the death certificate, right?

Everyone who quits an event, for any reason, is guilty. They are guilty of quitting that event. There might be some very good reason for quitting an event, or there might not be, but the bottom line is that they quit.

When there is a system that penalizes quitters, people quit less, which means better events for everyone.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: Jappert on May 04, 2011, 12:05:54 pm
Allthough a little harsh, it would certainly make alot of PvP activities alot more entertaining.

Trying to get a tourney or draft match done with inactive people is a pain, I hope this is the solution. I guess it's a great start at least, let's see where it takes us.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 04, 2011, 06:56:34 pm
the system should be on a "honor" system, the more tourneys you join and finish (without causing trouble), the more leeway you have, once you make trouble, you lose all your honor gathered up, but in turn, you get less punishment

if you want to keep the punishment system, even though a large majority of the "criminals" will be innocent (I have this much faith in the community)
then at least consider this...
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: Scaredgirl on May 04, 2011, 07:31:50 pm
the system should be on a "honor" system, the more tourneys you join and finish (without causing trouble), the more leeway you have, once you make trouble, you lose all your honor gathered up, but in turn, you get less punishment

if you want to keep the punishment system, even though a large majority of the "criminals" will be innocent (I have this much faith in the community)
then at least consider this...
Are you volunteering to manage a database that has all that information? Please take a second to think about how much work that would be during a period of 12 months, then come back and we'll talk.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: QuantumT on May 04, 2011, 07:36:29 pm
I think a strike system might be appropriate for weeklies as well. I don't know that it would be that much harder than managing the list of who drops each week. Just when someone drops, add their name to the warning list. If their name is already on the warning list, then ban them from the next weekly. Then you just clear the warning list once every 3 months or so.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 04, 2011, 07:39:48 pm
I think a strike system might be appropriate for weeklies as well. I don't know that it would be that much harder than managing the list of who drops each week. Just when someone drops, add their name to the warning list. If their name is already on the warning list, then ban them from the next weekly. Then you just clear the warning list once every 3 months or so.
this would work too, in a similar fashion
just so those of us (again, the majority of us) that are innocent don't get into trouble all the time...

edit: also, @SG, it doesn't take that long (I don't think)
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: QuantumT on May 04, 2011, 07:52:41 pm
this would work too, in a similar fashion
just so those of us (again, the majority of us) that are innocent don't get into trouble all the time...

edit: also, @SG, it doesn't take that long (I don't think)
Keeping track of the tourney participation of everyone would indeed be an arduous task. If any allowances are to be made, they must be very simple to keep track of. That's why mine is decent, because it means that you don't have to do anything for all the players who complete the tournament with no problems.
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on May 04, 2011, 07:58:22 pm
this would work too, in a similar fashion
just so those of us (again, the majority of us) that are innocent don't get into trouble all the time...

edit: also, @SG, it doesn't take that long (I don't think)
Keeping track of the tourney participation of everyone would indeed be an arduous task. If any allowances are to be made, they must be very simple to keep track of. That's why mine is decent, because it means that you don't have to do anything for all the players who complete the tournament with no problems.
idk.. a google spreadsheet
week 1: put in like 20 names
week 2: add in like 5, edit maybe 10

keep in mind this is for each week
if it's kept in alphabetical order, names won't be hard to find either
Title: Re: Parasites - New PvP Warning System
Post by: Ydriel on May 04, 2011, 08:14:40 pm
*shrug* I like the idea.  Nothing wrong with trying to keep things running both fairly and smoothly (not an easy task on the world that is "teh interwebs").
Personally I don't see why anyone would sign up for an event they are not sure they can finish, or will want to finish.  Considering the industry I work in you will probably never see me in any PvP events, as I know I have no way of knowing how much overtime I will have to put in from one week to the next.

I say kudos to the leaders for being strong enough to put your foot down on the issues that need it.