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News and Announcements => Forum News and Announcements => Topic started by: Higurashi on July 05, 2012, 09:38:46 pm
Believe it or not, we need a whopping total of three new Warmasters for War 6 and onward! Apply now!
The job of a Warmaster includes:
- monitoring the drafting of players at the event's inception
- updating standings and creating threads each Round
- settling match disputes as they occur
- offering ideas on how to improve the event
The Warmaster is an Event Organizer who only organizes this one big event that happens once every few months. Being active is an absolute must for this position. If you want a chance to be a part of the organization for war, please send a PM to me titled 'Warmaster Application'. If three adequate candidates are not found, we'll settle for two.
Feel free to ask any questions regarding the position here. Thanks!
I will also add any new Warmaster is going to get coached by kev, so don't be scared because it seems like a daunting job. You'll be working with 1-2 other people and you'll have the support of the Admins.
Only one application received. Deadline is extended by a week. Don't let War die. Peace is boring.
I will also add any new Warmaster is going to get coached by kev, so don't be scared because it seems like a daunting job. You'll be working with 1-2 other people and you'll have the support of the Admins.
Also don't be put off by having to work with me; it's only temporary. And don't be put off by the complexity of War because a) you'll have the power to make it simpler, and b) one of your fellow Warmasters will do all the work you don't want to, I'm sure.
FWIW this job can be very rewarding. My work in War has brought me to interact with players I might not otherwise have. Organizing an Event in which a huge number of players participates means you're impacting the community and thus the game in a positive way. And my War work is partially responsible for my favorite forum award icon. :) Plus, I've been working hard all War to set the bar low for you guys. Cmon guys. Don't let War die.
1) Being a master a problem?
2) Expected general period of war?
3) If we apply will we be alerted of who else has applied (avoiding working with someone we dislike, etc)?
3) (avoiding working with someone we dislike, etc)?
Why would I apply? I just resigned. That doesn't make any sense.
I think part of the lack of interest might be because lots of our experienced forum members are going out for trials, and so don't want to commit themselves to a wm position...just my two cents.
But seriously, if you are even remotely interested in being a warmaster - even if you feel like you don't have enough experience - PLEASE APPLY. War is one of the greatest and most popular events on the forums (if not THE greatest), and it would be a travesty to let it die over a lack of WMs.
Lack of experience isn't a problem, as long as you make sure you learn war inside and out, reading up on past disputes, rulings, and generally obtaining a framework of knowledge that can lead you down the right way. If someone like me could pull off war, 95 percent of the community can. But I'd rather see war die a peaceful death than ruined by people who don't know what they're getting into.
In my humble opinion, a warmaster must have taken part in at least a single war and must have won the trust of the community, so he/she must be either well-known or his/her reputation power must be at least higher than 15. Me, for example, even if I take part as a warmaster, even if I learn the war event upside down, the majority of the community doesn't know me and they won't trust me as a warmaster, so they will avoid participating in the upcoming war. Unfortunately, I don't think an unknown community member can handle this (and by 'this' I mean rather the critiscism of more well-known and experienced members than the responsibility of being a warmaster).
In my humble opinion, a warmaster must have taken part in at least a single war and must have won the trust of the community, so he/she must be either well-known or his/her reputation power must be at least higher than 15. Me, for example, even if I take part as a warmaster, even if I learn the war event upside down, the majority of the community doesn't know me and they won't trust me as a warmaster, so they will avoid participating in the upcoming war. Unfortunately, I don't think an unknown community member can handle this (and by 'this' I mean rather the critiscism of more well-known and experienced members than the responsibility of being a warmaster).
Heck, I'd play in war and won't care about Warmaster much, if you learn to do this job you are good for this, if you are active on forum and chat, even better.
1) Being a master a problem?
Being a Master alone isn't, but Warmasters cannot participate in War, so the General role of the Master will have to be neglected, which may have quite a negative impact on the community vote in Trials.
In my humble opinion, a warmaster must have taken part in at least a single war and must have won the trust of the community, so he/she must be either well-known or his/her reputation power must be at least higher than 15. Me, for example, even if I take part as a warmaster, even if I learn the war event upside down, the majority of the community doesn't know me and they won't trust me as a warmaster, so they will avoid participating in the upcoming war. Unfortunately, I don't think an unknown community member can handle this (and by 'this' I mean rather the critiscism of more well-known and experienced members than the responsibility of being a warmaster).
That's one of the benefits of having multiple Warmasters and possibly Admins working on War; even if there's a single Warmaster who people don't trust, they'll still participate because that single Warmaster won't be able to mess everything up on their own. It may be harder, sure, but a relatively unknown community member still has a shot (and they do get appointed to staff positions fairly often too), as long as they display the traits required in a good Warmaster.
1) Being a master a problem?
2) Expected general period of war?
3) If we apply will we be alerted of who else has applied (avoiding working with someone we dislike, etc)?
1. No. Only the position of General would be a conflict of interest.
2. After Brawl and Trials. S'bout as narrowed down as it can get.
3. No, but the Council takes things like these into consideration when voting.
In my humble opinion, a warmaster must have taken part in at least a single war and must have won the trust of the community, so he/she must be either well-known or his/her reputation power must be at least higher than 15. Me, for example, even if I take part as a warmaster, even if I learn the war event upside down, the majority of the community doesn't know me and they won't trust me as a warmaster, so they will avoid participating in the upcoming war. Unfortunately, I don't think an unknown community member can handle this (and by 'this' I mean rather the critiscism of more well-known and experienced members than the responsibility of being a warmaster).
Heck, I'd play in war and won't care about Warmaster much, if you learn to do this job you are good for this, if you are active on forum and chat, even better.
I COMPLETELY agree with this.
In my humble opinion, a warmaster must have taken part in at least a single war and must have won the trust of the community, so he/she must be either well-known or his/her reputation power must be at least higher than 15. Me, for example, even if I take part as a warmaster, even if I learn the war event upside down, the majority of the community doesn't know me and they won't trust me as a warmaster, so they will avoid participating in the upcoming war. Unfortunately, I don't think an unknown community member can handle this (and by 'this' I mean rather the critiscism of more well-known and experienced members than the responsibility of being a warmaster).
Anyone wanting to apply but thinking similarly to this: I was only on the forums for 5 months and was still very scatter-brained when I became WM. Look where I am now :)
If you apply and get selected, it's because the council sees something in you and believes you can do it. If the council believes that, the community will likely feel the same way.
I'm wondering: With me being less than one month old on the forums, would there be a point for me to sign up? If there is a chance, I definitely will sign up.
I'm wondering: With me being less than one month old on the forums, would there be a point for me to sign up? If there is a chance, I definitely will sign up.
Dunno, but IMO a WM should at least be well-known, either before applying or after applying.
That being said, do apply. If you have a potential, they might pick you.
In my humble opinion, a warmaster must have taken part in at least a single war and must have won the trust of the community, so he/she must be either well-known or his/her reputation power must be at least higher than 15. Me, for example, even if I take part as a warmaster, even if I learn the war event upside down, the majority of the community doesn't know me and they won't trust me as a warmaster, so they will avoid participating in the upcoming war. Unfortunately, I don't think an unknown community member can handle this (and by 'this' I mean rather the critiscism of more well-known and experienced members than the responsibility of being a warmaster).
Anyone wanting to apply but thinking similarly to this: I was only on the forums for 5 months and was still very scatter-brained when I became WM. Look where I am now :)
If you apply and get selected, it's because the council sees something in you and believes you can do it. If the council believes that, the community will likely feel the same way.
problem is, many people do wanna play in war and if people wanna play in trials (with hope of becoming a master) they also can't apply cause they'll most likely want to lead their team in case they win.
I'm wondering: With me being less than one month old on the forums, would there be a point for me to sign up? If there is a chance, I definitely will sign up.
I say go for it. You really have nothing to lose. I think the most important thing is that you would be willing to learn the ins and outs of war and really take the time to study its history and past planning. Of course, I don't speak for the council. That's just my 2 :electrum
Realistically, with less than even 50 posts and less than a month on the forum, your chances of being appointed are virtually 0. That said, the Council does take note of past applications, so showing enthusiasm in an application now may help you if you decide to apply for another position in a few months or so. We do encourage relatively new/unknown members to apply, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
Any update on the WM situation? Do we have enough applicants/candidates?
We have enough. Voting has begun and will take a week.
If you don't have enough Warmasters at the end of the day, I can be a plan B if you want. Just Pm me or something.
Wait, never mind. Totally didn't read all the way through.
Offer still stands too.
Grats to Jenkar, Helston and bjessee for becoming our 3 new WM's. I'll be removing kev's title as soon as he's done with you three.
Gratz Jenkar, bjessee and Helston! May you
survive all the rants do a great job :)
no more RNG raging when facing me, eh bjessee? :P
Congrats to you three.
Wow. I thought there was a fair chance at one good, active player and two deadbeats. Happy I was wrong here. Thanks for applying, guys, and nice work, Council.
Hooray, thank you!
Now time to totally rig War work on making War #6 the best yet!
Congrats guys! I hope you 3 make war 6 the best war yet!
Congrats! :D
Congrats you 3!
Thanks everyone :3
While I will not miss justaburd's good fortune (that match still makes me laugh), I will certainly miss playing in the next War. However, I am hoping that we can make War 6 as enjoyable for everyone as 4 and 5 were for me.
I am excited for this opportunity and am looking forward to another great War.
I was going to say thanks to kev, too, until I realized he might just be calling us all deadbeats.
Congrats you three! I think that each one of you will make a fantastic warmaster :)
Congratulations to the new Warmasters. :)
Gratz on all 3 for being elected as the new war-masters. Had the pleasure to serve under Jenkar last war and more or less got to know Bjessee and Helston from PvP events, so I am sure they will make great war-masters until there is peace in the forums.
I was going to say thanks to kev, too, until I realized he might just be calling us all deadbeats.
Crap they broke my code. Maybe they're not exactly as dumb as I gave them credit for.
I dunno about that kev. Jenky eats socks.
And congrats to the three of you.
People are saying congrats but i'm saying thanks for taking this job. Even tho this seems like a virtual title in a game, i think you still need some nerves and a character to perform warmaster duties since you in fact deal with real people who are really competing. This is something important.
Personally i only know of Jenkar, he is a cool person even tho he is from the land of slug eaters. I like the fact that he is a warmaster.
Helston and bjessee are apparently motivated people which is vital for any sort of duty.
Good WAR journey to the three of you.