Tournament Organizer
The Elements Council is looking to hire 1 or 2 new Tournament Organizers. The work of a Tournament Organizer (TO) can be divided into two areas: planning and hosting. For hosting, it is helpful if you include GMT times at which you can be counted on to host tournaments on both Saturday and Sunday in your application! These are the main tasks:
- Discussing and planning future tournaments with the other TOs. This includes agreeing on the designated TOs for each tourney, and letting the other TOs know if you won't be available.
- Optimizing deck-building rules for balance, and making sure the rules are simple and accurate.
- Tweaking of existing tournament concept ideas and creating new ideas.
- Providing support to the community, in the form of questions via forum or chat PM, chat discussion, or in the tournament threads.
- Resolving conflicts between participants, potentially ranging from desynchs to accusations of cheating, and maintaining a cool and level head in order to make decisions objectively.
- Ensuring rounds are finished on time, and making executive decisions if participants run too far past a reasonable time.
- Answering questions in chat when the tournament is in progress.
- Communicating with present TOs in the event a ruling is needed.
- Additionally, a TO is a Chat Moderator, and expected to responsibly carry out the duties of one.
Requirements:- Jr. Member or above.
- Being active on the forum.
- Creativity needed in coming up with different tournament ideas.
- Knowledge of bbcode, formatting, etc.
- Ability to communicate effectively.
- Maturity and reliability are essential.
At the moment, coming up with Tournament ideas and balancing them is more needed than hosting, but either is appreciated. It's fine if you don't want to focus on all tasks equally, just make sure you communicate clearly what you can and will do, and of course the available TO team as a whole has to cover all tasks mentioned above. Unless you got some information about the possible meta from other players, it is perfectly fine for a TO to participate in tournaments, even if you are hosting, so don't let that hold you back.
If you have questions regarding the work of a TO, feel free to send a PM to
kaempfer13 and/or
If you are interested,
send me a PM titled "Tournament Organizer Application". Your application will be shared with the rest of the Council, and we will discuss the applications. Don't forget to read about
what the Council looks for in an applicant if you haven't, and keep in mind that tournaments range anywhere from two to four hours, which a Tournament Organizer
must be present for the majority of.
Applications are no longer being accepted. |