March 2014
| | Spoiler for War: "War is nearly finished"In its fourteenth and final round, Aether and Air are the only elements to last. In the final battle, deuce22 and Jenkar will duke it out for their respective elements. Best of luck to both of them in the round with no special rules, but just some nice clean War! These generals have found through waves of enemies to declare themselves Grandmaster, reigning the forum. Make the decision soon on whose side your on because there can only be one winner. Take a look at how War has gotten to this point in these past months here.
| Spoiler for Competitions: Over the course of the month multiple competitions wrapped-up and the participant you voted for has been crowned victor! False God Competition: Reloaded The race to re-engineer a False God has ended and Higurashi won! Congratulate her, but beware, she gave Lionheart a Pulverizer, Titan, and Eternity. Yikes! C-C-C-Combobreaker x3Confused about what this was? Me too! But don't worry! It's simple, teams of two are currently crafting a card that creates/expands/improves a combo with at least TWO other cards each person of the team independently chose. They have little time left to do that, so that means you better get ready to vote! But watch out! This is not your normal voting! This is inverted voting so you vote for the one you DON'T want to see win. In this case, may the least-voted win!
If you have an ideas of your own, head over here!
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Spoiler for Duels: From the February Edition: This is more or less a reminder that Duels does exist! Developed by EvaRia, Duels explores a new player experience. Giving players the chance to play out duels and matches with rule sets that have never been used before, Duels allows for a playground of fun and exciting fights. Hopefully we can see some reprisal of this sub-forum within the next month! If you're interested, check out this thread first.At the moment there has only been one new topic, so let's hope to see some more activity! | Spoiler for General League News: PvP League pits this community of players in friendly battle. With their option to change up the rules, three months of constant battle between players varies, yet the goal remains the same: be the best. Good luck to all players in 1/2014. Over the past month there has been a recent patch for the 2/2014 season. Check it out here. It should be up during the middle of May.
Staff ChangesWe are in search on a Tournament Organizer! Check out this thread to see how to apply.
On that note, congratulations are in order! Joining the Card Curators are Blacksmith and Elbirn. Hopefully we will get to see their work soon.
Forum BrawlJust briefly, the latest news on Forum Brawl is that all of the Boss positions have been filled. And with that, the bidding has hasn't begun! Go check out the auction here and sign up!
Tea Time with Giants: justaburdBelow is a portion of the interview:
Q: So, can you give us a little background on your name and that very cool avatar? When I was deciding on a name, I figured I wanted it to do with birds, but I decided to go with burd just because. As you well know, I'm only 1 burd, so justaburd seemed to fit. The avatar was made by vrt. Thanks again!
Q: What importance did birds have previous to your joining the forum? I love em. Chirp <3
Q: Do you have a favourite? And do you own one/more? Not in particular, no. I guess for me it's more about the idea of flying where you want.
Q: And if you could fly anywhere right now, where would that be?
| New Members
I chose this card for its amazing thematic use. Most of the cards ingame have great themes, and it's a great thing to think about when designing your own cards.
The Philosopher's Stone is known for its ability to turn base metals into gold, and for the Elixir of Life.
This heals you for 2 HP each turn, as well as increasing your max HP by that amount. Its active ability can be used to speed up your draws, or as denial. If the active ability is used on an upgraded pillar, it will turn into an Electrum Hourglass.
Read more about the Philosopher's Stone here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosopher%27s_stone).
There are two basic ways to start designing a card. Start with a mechanic and find a theme, or start with a theme and create a mechanic. The latter can be easier in a way, however, when starting with a theme, you have to be very careful that your mechanic doesn't get too complicated. Philosopher's Stone is a great example of not making the mechanic too complicated, although it very easily could have been.
The theme works very well in earth, which is known to be a solid, strong element. Philosopher's Stone encompasses this quite nicely with synergy with three existing earth cards - graboid, earthquake, and stone skin. Its use of time quanta ties in with the speedy action of graboids and infinite feel of eternity.
Philosopher's Stone is also incredibly versatile; a trait that is always appreciated in cards because it means that it can be used in more decks. In this case, Philosopher's stone could fit into any earth-time deck, be it a rush, denial, or stall. I could also work in mono-earths and rainbows for cheap healing, and in the rainbow's case, cheap denial.
All in all, Philosopher's Stone is great example of an extremely thematic card done well and also a great example of versatility in cards.
Deck Idea of the Month Calindu's Brushfire mod by CalinduThis deck review was written by Deck Helpers, Calindu and inthisroom.Hover over cards for details, click for permalink 7an 7an 7an 7an 7an 7an 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dn 7dn 7dn 7n2 7n2 8po The deck featured this month was made by one of our deck helpers, Calindu, it's efficient and fun to play.
Card by card:
Mark of Fire: Well... you definitely need Quanta for this to work.
Epinephrine: Very good card in this deck, adds up 6 damage to your brimstones, allowing them to generate quanta way faster too. If used on a flying Fahrenheit you can dish out a lot of damage.
Life Pendulum: Quanta alone won't do so they seem quite useful.
Brimstone Eater: They're not in there for their breathtaking ability to hit your opponent with two damage per turn, even though that can sometimes help. Combined with Epinephrine, they accelerate your Quanta production immensely and will actually do damage.
Fire Lance: Probably the reason why you go through all that trouble, use them to bolt your opponent's HP, alternatively, use one as Creature Control to kill your opponent's creature if he will outdamage you or have a creature that can put you problems.
Fahrenheit: The higher your Quanta, the harder it hits, with a maximum of 20 damage points per turn, also a good target for Epinephrine to make it hit several times.
Animate Weapon: One Fahrenheit isn't enough for you? Make 'em fly and use more!
Well, it's pretty straightforward, be fast and hit hard.
You can beat your opponent by using your Fire Lances or use them for Creature Control and rely on your Fahrenheit and adrenalined brimstones to do the job.
It's fast and hits hard (sounds familiar?), if a shield blocks your Fahrenheit and Brimstone Eaters, you still have Fire Bolts to beat your opponent, if they play a Jade or Reflective Shield, Fahrenheit will wear them down while your Fire Bolts provide good Creature Control.
Heavy Creature Control, Fire Shield/Buckler and Spines hurt this deck a lot, without your Brimstone Eaters, the deck gets a lot slower.
A Jade or Reflective Shield combined with a lot of healing (Creature spam with Feral Bonds for example) can be a problem too as your Fire Bolts won't be able to hit your opponent's HP and you'll have to rely on your Fahrenheit(s) to wear them down.
Possible cards to be added:
Explosion: If you're running into Fire Bucklers or Spines too often, they might come in handy.
Jade Shield: If you're tired or afraid of your opponents running Jade Shields and reducing the efficiency of your Fire Bolts, just use one too and play the Fire Bolts on your own HP, they will be reflected onto your opponent by your own Jade Shield.
Improved Heal: Viable card to be honest, but only if you get rushed a lot and feel like you need another bit of hp to help you survive.
Phoenix: Yes, Phoenix, not minor Phoenix, to take full advantage of your adrenalines, can do a lot of damage fast to help you get your opponent in bolt range easier.
Spoiler for initial Brushfire by Terran 3
A thank you Annele, Calindu, inthisroom, and Opsinis for their participation in this month's newsletter.