For awhile there'd been a push to develop a PvP cycle that would give the community something to be excited about pretty much all the time. It was supposed to be Trials --> War --> Brawl --> Trials again. I, personally, have never been a big Brawl guy. Brawl is not a PvP Event, so I don't think it really fills out the cycle well. Since the WC was announced, I'd kinda been hoping it'd fill that gap. In retrospect, totally unrealistic expectations on my part.
When I've imagined a PvP World Championship-type event in the past, I've imagined it having a lot more fanfare. Instead, it's sort of being handled like a toned-down PvP Event.
- If this is the most epic forum individual event ever (to go alongside War, the most epic forum team event ever), the WC should
- have its own subforum,
- have its own Organizer,
- be featured in the Newsletter,
- monopolize the scrolling forum headline
- not run alongside War
As is, less has been written about the WC than the average PvP Event. I had trouble finding the Rules thread as it doesn't have its own forum. And it's running alongside three PvP Events plus War. It feels like we're rushing through this because players are impatiently fawning over the in-game rewards, and that sucks.
Ultimately I see this as an opportunity to build forum groundswell, and imo it's being wasted. Btw if any of this came off as a personal attack at majofa specifically, I apologize. That's 100% not my intent. maj is perfectly capable of designing any of the most important events on this forum and running them smoothly. The rules and the event itself look great. I'd just like to see this be given more emphasis by the community.