Just so people know, it's me that's stepping down as NLW.
My main reason is that I'm getting married next month, and honeymooning the month after, and I just applied for a 9-5 job which I hope to get, meaning I am more suited to a "dripfeed work through the month" staff position than a "2 days of concentration" one.
I'm sorry I only stuck this out for what I consider a 'minimum' term for a staff role (6 months), and I am happy to stay for next month's NL in either an advisory role for the new NLW, or to do one final stint should the hiring process not be complete by then.
I hope I have done my part to make a product of reasonable quality during my tenure, i would be more than happy to help with the new NLW's integration or hiring.
I'm here for questions and help, it's an important and rewarding role, please consider applying!