I'd like to add that if you are a member of a guild, feel free to apply! Most guildmaster jobs aren't affected if you're part of a guild, and I'm sure you'll be objective enough to not manipulate rulesets to your own advantage consciously. You experiences as a guild member would actually help us make guilds more fun for everyone ^^
Are you sure?
I know we haven't had much to do, but I'm starting to feel that being in this guild is interfering with my responsibility as Guildmaster. So I shall be leaving this guild. I'm honored you guys chose to take me in, and best of luck in future!
I'm thinking this a topic that requires further discussion.
Elaborating on my thoughts: I feel that TrO and TO are not comparable to GM. Those rules are both set in advance, such that an participating organizer cannot give themselves as advantage. In War, they can, via event cards, so WMs can't be in War. Guilds are ongoing, so there is room for organizers to give themselves an advantage there, however small. In fact, I was under the impression this is why you left your guild, per my quote.
I actually have no recollection of why I said that. There's no record of conversation about it in my pms or forums either. I talked with elk over PM iirc, but chat history won't load that far. We did have this discussion before I joined TBolts:
That raises the question, should the people running guilds be allowed to join? I'm inclined to say yes, as Guilds are mostly just for fun and it looks like we'll need as much activity as we can get. But imo we shouldn't be allowed to form new guilds, as us joining is to help out a guild to form. A system like Trials should work.
If elk agrees, I'm honored you chose me to join your guild :> Thunderbolts sounds like a nice name to draw inspiration from. tbh I'd rather have Abominati filled up before other guilds start going over 5 members, but it's AD's decision if he wants to join (i.e. I agree with him joining the guild).
At least at first, I don't think Zawad and I should join guilds, as we are planning the guild challenges, and I'm worried that advance knowledge might seem like an unfair advantage, especially if any have a component of speed to figure them out.
Well, if there's a time limit to a challenge, you just don't start it until it's posted, right? As for challenges of "who does this first", I don't think we should do 'em for one simple reason: timezones.
I thought of challenges as like as Trials Phase 1: completing it within this timeframe earns you some points. That timeframe will obviously be a multiple of 24 hours. In that case I trust myself to not be biased.
I'd say that in the end, I left simply because I had too much work. I'd looked at what my Guildmates were doing for the Guild Quest, and I couldn't really help on top of my duties as CO, TO and GM and school work. So I rationed that if I stayed in the guild and wanted to participate and have fun, I'd have to leave my position as GM. !8 days after leaving TBolts I also handed in my resignation from TO and CO because I could no longer reliably work for them. So my statement was personal, and if an applicant has the time to both manage Guilds and happily participate in one, they're ok to join.
dd's point is true, to some extent. But TOs can also design tourneys which create small advantage for them (If you're a master of an element you could push for a tourney based on that element in a perfect timeslot for you) - however, I don't think we've had any upsets like this? Of course Guilds has much more variety in rulesets and so a GM can design rules for their team more easily, but can we leave it to the non-participating GMs to balance out the distribution of event types so that a guild member GM can't tip the scales too heavily? In the end, I think we can trust in them.