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News and Announcements => Forum News and Announcements => Topic started by: Chapuz on May 27, 2014, 11:26:25 pm

Title: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on May 27, 2014, 11:26:25 pm
Brawl Master

The work of a Brawl Master can be divided into two areas: planning and hosting. These are the main tasks:

If you have questions regarding the work of a BM, feel free to PM me about it.

If you're interested, send me a PM (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/pm/?sa=send;u=403) titled "Brawl Master Application". Your application will be shared with the rest of the council, and we will discuss the matter. Don't forget to read about what the council looks for in an applicant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,38397.0.html) if you haven't, and make sure to post what times you would be able to host tournaments. Keep in mind that Brawl lasts about 2 months and both Brawlmasters are needed during the whole event. Being a single BM active is a lot of time charge.

As for me, I decided this was by last Brawl as BM because my imagination for tasks is over. Being a BM is very fun, there always is people asking if something is legal (to what you answer 'It's Brawl, go nuts!') or spoilering you works in process because they love that task and made a big effort to make it. I am very anxious to see what new features a new Brawl Master can have thought and implement in Brawl #4.

Applications are no longer being accepted.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: ddevans96 on May 27, 2014, 11:57:11 pm
Keep in mind that Tournament Organizers can participate in tournaments.

Well, yes, but...this isn't a tournament topic :P
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on May 28, 2014, 12:10:05 am
Keep in mind that Tournament Organizers can participate in tournaments.
Well, yes, but...this isn't a tournament topic :P
Hey , it's always good to know!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Naesala on May 28, 2014, 02:23:48 am
As a supplement to what Chapuz has said, this is what I would like out of a Co-BM

While of course other things are important and nice (such as an active imagination for tasks), they aren't things I need so much to make the event fully functional. Whoever I work with, I want to discuss with you as soon as possible about the event. Also, due to the unfair advantage of having knowledge, if you are a BM you cannot do Brawl. Though you don't have to, I would love to see applications as well so I can give Council my opinion, and I would be more than willing to talk with people in chat or via notes about the position and what it entails.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on May 28, 2014, 06:56:05 am
My only question is the following; don't you find it a little early to search for a new BM to hire?
I mean, the guy/girl you may hire now may become inactive before the next FBrawl starts.
Other than that, I'm in!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Dm on May 28, 2014, 08:55:56 am
Keep in mind that Tournament Organizers can participate in tournaments.
Well, yes, but...this isn't a tournament topic :P
Hey , it's always good to know!
Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: dawn to dusk on May 28, 2014, 09:35:49 am
Hmm... Pondering whether or not to do this...

ALL OF TEH COMPETITIONS!!!!!i get along moderately well with nae too I guess
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Fippe94 on May 28, 2014, 10:29:50 am
It says BMs are needed during the whole event (2 months). However, it does not say which 2 months (I realize you probably do not know exactly yet), and I'd imagine there are people who don't know if they can do it because they don't know when it happens. Worst case, you get someone that has lots of free time to do it, but are not availible during those specific 2 months, which he/she did not know beforehand.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on May 28, 2014, 10:47:27 am
If not knowing exactly when it will be makes us not get enough submissions, we will poatpone this until we do. Higs is the one that will know it first.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: CrockettRocket on May 29, 2014, 05:08:43 pm
It already has gotten rid of your title as brawlmaster, so has a new brawlmaster already been chosen?
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on May 29, 2014, 05:12:14 pm
It already has gotten rid of your title as brawlmaster, so has a new brawlmaster already been chosen?
No, Nae is the only current one. When a BM is chosen, it will be posted here with a crazy naked party
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Submachine on May 29, 2014, 11:51:54 pm
Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Calambar on May 29, 2014, 11:54:52 pm
Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?

I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on May 30, 2014, 12:15:35 am
Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?
I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
I just left my BM possition, I will still be here!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Submachine on May 31, 2014, 01:59:14 am
Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?
I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
I just left my BM possition, I will still be here!
Silly Chap, you just wasted your 5000th post to a decent reply. You should have written it in the Post your epic Xth post topic. :D
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: artimies7 on May 31, 2014, 03:01:44 am
I almost want to apply for this position, but I'm not sure that I'm up for it.

Maybe once I participate in a few.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Calambar on May 31, 2014, 06:18:28 am
Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?
I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
I just left my BM possition, I will still be here!
Silly Chap, you just wasted your 5000th post to a decent reply. You should have written it in the Post your epic Xth post topic. :D

But he has got 5001 posts now...
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on May 31, 2014, 02:10:54 pm
If someone doesn't sent an application because the exact date of Brawl #4 is unknown, tell me and it will be considered.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Zawadx on May 31, 2014, 03:57:08 pm
If someone doesn't sent an application because the exact date of Brawl #3 is unknown, tell me and it will be considered.

We all know the exact date of Brawl #3, cause it's in the past (and we can assume time travel won't affect us). It's Brawl #4 people should be worried about.

And good luck to all trying out! I'm eager to see what you come up with :D
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on June 06, 2014, 12:10:15 am
3 more days to send applications for BM, we got too few!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Torriku on June 06, 2014, 01:03:44 am
I might send in app, but I not sure if I really should, I highly doubt I best candidate.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Naesala on June 06, 2014, 01:19:46 am
No harm in applying. Even if you don't get in.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on June 06, 2014, 01:57:06 am
I might send in app, but I not sure if I really should, I highly doubt I best candidate.
Remember what I told you by Chat; if you apply for a Staff possition, even if you don't get it, you showed a big interest that will be counted on the votes for the next application you send. If you would like to be a BM, even if the chances are low (you don't know, you don't even know who sent the other applications!), take a chance.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: dawn to dusk on June 06, 2014, 10:19:36 am
Decided not to apply

With my activity slipping, it wouldn't be best for the community
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Calambar on June 06, 2014, 03:17:03 pm
Me either. I was torn between applying and being a brawler again. I guess I prefer the latter. More fun I guess. In addition, I really don't know what will happen in my life in one year... But it's true for everyone I guess ^^.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on June 10, 2014, 06:27:52 pm
Congratulations ARTHANASIOS for becoming our new Brawl Master!

Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on June 10, 2014, 06:30:14 pm
Congratulations ARTHANASIOS for becoming our new Brawl Master!



Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: jarozaoz on June 10, 2014, 06:30:28 pm

/me hides away from Spikey bangun.

Someday i will got banned by that. xd
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: andretimpa on June 10, 2014, 06:41:07 pm
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: dark ripper on June 10, 2014, 06:43:13 pm
I couldnt think of a more passionate member for this position, well deserved arth! Im sure you will do a fine job!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Naesala on June 10, 2014, 07:06:04 pm
Welcome to the red ALLCAPS. You deserved it.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Calambar on June 10, 2014, 07:12:47 pm
I'm 100% satisfied with the verdict. Congratulations ALLCAPS!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Submachine on June 10, 2014, 07:19:46 pm
Just when I got used to the white color of your name, you become red. ^^" Now I can start getting used to it again. xD

I think you earned it. :) You did a lot of "activeness" lately. Congrats!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Dm on June 10, 2014, 07:35:26 pm
No disappointing!

Good luck.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: SpikeSpiegel on June 10, 2014, 07:50:50 pm

Grats to the new Brawlmaster and welcome to the staff!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Naesala on June 10, 2014, 10:14:15 pm

Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on June 10, 2014, 10:29:18 pm
The feeeback on the tasks and voting system, submitting the tasks in the private sections instead of by PM, making oEtG tasks, I sent my problems to ALLCAPS   :P
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Zawadx on June 11, 2014, 12:15:40 am
ALLCAPS FTW!! Seriously, perfect choice for BM. And now the dictatorship I described in my last task begins...
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: CrockettRocket on June 11, 2014, 01:06:38 am
Welp, ok... Yeah. He's probably a bit more passionate about the job then I am, but I really wanted it. Gah, anyway congrats Arthansios, with you two being the brawlmasters I have to join the next brawl. Naesala is my favorite person, and she told me to talk to you because we both share "fervor," a word she taught me. Promise me this ARTH: You'll comment on my task submissions and give honest feedback, idc if it's critique or not, just honest feedback? If you can make that deal with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Probably have to wait till after the round though to keep it fair, but that's exactly what I meant anyway.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on June 11, 2014, 01:16:52 am
Do I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls? Maybe that's something you must take note before Brawl #4 ;)
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Rutarete on June 11, 2014, 01:28:31 am
Do I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls?
I thought that was treebeard :P
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Chapuz on June 11, 2014, 01:44:37 am
Do I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls?
I thought that was treebeard :P
Tree is the one who misses almost every period and comma



Just after that, I tried to find him. Look at the bottom right of Zaw's comment.


Anti, what the -
You are cool.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Submachine on June 11, 2014, 03:50:27 am
Anti, what the -
LOL, never noticed that before!
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on June 11, 2014, 04:00:51 am
Welp, ok... Yeah. He's probably a bit more passionate about the job then I am, but I really wanted it. Gah, anyway congrats Arthansios, with you two being the brawlmasters I have to join the next brawl. Naesala is my favorite person, and she told me to talk to you because we both share "fervor," a word she taught me. Promise me this ARTH: You'll comment on my task submissions and give honest feedback, idc if it's critique or not, just honest feedback? If you can make that deal with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Probably have to wait till after the round though to keep it fair, but that's exactly what I meant anyway.

Don't worry, pal. During FB#4, I am going to give you the most honest feedback. ;)

Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: ddevans96 on June 11, 2014, 04:03:52 am
Congrats Artha, eager to see what you cook up for us :)
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: CrockettRocket on June 11, 2014, 04:07:27 am
Do I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls? Maybe that's something you must take note before Brawl #4 ;)

     People have never put me into a spot where I absolutely need formatted text, but I have figured out that 5 spaces=1 tab for indentation. xD. I did format my post though for the newsletter post, however it was late because I misunderstood Dm.

Thanks Arth, and don't spare my feelings either. ;)
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on June 11, 2014, 04:10:22 am
Congrats Artha, eager to see what you cook up for us :)

I am thinking of cooking Crystal Meth, what do think about it? :P

Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Zawadx on June 11, 2014, 07:48:56 am
Yay, I have Waldo! No one can take him from meee!!
But seriously guys, that feature been around for too long to not notice.

Congrats Artha, eager to see what you cook up for us :)

I am thinking of cooking Crystal Meth, what do think about it? :P


I wonder which one is Nae and which one is ALLLCAPS.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: Naesala on June 11, 2014, 08:06:52 am
Pretty sure ARTH is Regie.
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: dawn to dusk on June 11, 2014, 08:56:15 am
Gratz arthan

You deserve it ^^

I think...

/me didn't see who else put in an app XD

Jks, good job
Title: Re: Now Hiring: Brawl Master
Post by: andretimpa on June 11, 2014, 09:46:02 am
@Chap the first time I found Waldo made wtf a little too.