Applications are no longer being accepted. |
Keep in mind that Tournament Organizers can participate in tournaments.
Hey , it's always good to know!Keep in mind that Tournament Organizers can participate in tournaments.Well, yes, but...this isn't a tournament topic :P
Thanks for the info!Hey , it's always good to know!Keep in mind that Tournament Organizers can participate in tournaments.Well, yes, but...this isn't a tournament topic :P
It already has gotten rid of your title as brawlmaster, so has a new brawlmaster already been chosen?No, Nae is the only current one. When a BM is chosen, it will be posted here with a crazy naked party
Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?
I just left my BM possition, I will still be here!Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
Silly Chap, you just wasted your 5000th post to a decent reply. You should have written it in the Post your epic Xth post topic. :DI just left my BM possition, I will still be here!Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
Silly Chap, you just wasted your 5000th post to a decent reply. You should have written it in the Post your epic Xth post topic. :DI just left my BM possition, I will still be here!Chapuz, does this mean that your 5000th post will end up the same way just like TorB's 3000th post did?I don't think he said he is actually leaving the forums, just brawl, am I right Chapuz?
If someone doesn't sent an application because the exact date of Brawl #3 is unknown, tell me and it will be considered.
I might send in app, but I not sure if I really should, I highly doubt I best candidate.Remember what I told you by Chat; if you apply for a Staff possition, even if you don't get it, you showed a big interest that will be counted on the votes for the next application you send. If you would like to be a BM, even if the chances are low (you don't know, you don't even know who sent the other applications!), take a chance.
Congratulations ARTHANASIOS for becoming our new Brawl Master!
Do I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls?I thought that was treebeard :P
Tree is the one who misses almost every period and commaDo I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls?I thought that was treebeard :P
Anti, what the -LOL, never noticed that before!
Welp, ok... Yeah. He's probably a bit more passionate about the job then I am, but I really wanted it. Gah, anyway congrats Arthansios, with you two being the brawlmasters I have to join the next brawl. Naesala is my favorite person, and she told me to talk to you because we both share "fervor," a word she taught me. Promise me this ARTH: You'll comment on my task submissions and give honest feedback, idc if it's critique or not, just honest feedback? If you can make that deal with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Probably have to wait till after the round though to keep it fair, but that's exactly what I meant anyway.
Do I have bad memory or you are the master of non-formatted text walls? Maybe that's something you must take note before Brawl #4 ;)
Congrats Artha, eager to see what you cook up for us :)
Congrats Artha, eager to see what you cook up for us :)
I am thinking of cooking Crystal Meth, what do think about it? :P(