so bit late im sure, but thought id post. i cant believe its been 10 years. i started playing it apparently shortly after it was put online. i was in my last year of college in 2010 and frequent updates by Zanz were still happening. after he mostly disappeared i came on, would do some forum stuff, tried a tourny or 2 and kept at it trying to fullfill the full collection (still havent finished it). i used to try and do a lot of the card creation contests and did alright in some and even had a talented artist take a crack and designing the art for my cards.
i check in from time to time, but it does appear many of the names and people i knew stopped coming back. im sure some are still here or some lurking. i still hold out hope that someone will take over from Zanz or maybe he will come back to finally implement that last update that never went fully in.