Give cake or I start a riot.
Tbh, the game isn't all that wonderful. Sure, it's a nice little game, but can't say it's amazing anymore, since there's not much you can do atm. Arena is broken. PvP is empty. Servers are horrendous. The only thing that keeps it alive is the community. Zanz is an asshole. Yes, I said it. I don't want to hear "he's busy with real life!" kind of excuse, because frankly, nobody believes that anymore.
I'm staying because I literally have nowhere else to go, and the people in this little corner of the internet are amazing. It's also my only contact to Afda. Come back Afda D:
Now for the memories:
- playing BL against Afda and always using my unupped nova poison dials. This deck used to beat almost anything, until Afda started putting purify in every deck
- beating aether with SoSebow in war. That was an amazing match.
- winning with control SoSebow in trials against Calin's SoBr salvagers. Another amazing match.
- playing antagonbow and grabbix before the immo nerf
- playing the old SoSebows in gold league, when SoSe used to cost 3
- top50
- the old firestall with the old SoG, when you could swarm as much fire quanta as you wanted. That deck sure was a pain to play against.