Check out the final score here:,5852.msg66473#msg66473Master and the challenger with the highest score will fight each other. If two challengers have the same score, the outcome of the phase 3 PvP battle decides who fights the Master.
Some people didn't receive score because they only completed a part of the job, or didn't read the rules. If I made mistakes in scoring, please let me know.
I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the event. We got a bunch of good new deck ideas and very nice strategy tips for Wiki. I'd also like to give a special thanks to participants who knew they had no chance of getting to Final Battle, but instead of giving up, they decided to finish what they started and wrote the strategy tips anyways. That shows character.
Like I've said many times before, next event will run more smoothly, and all 4 phases will be done in the correct order.
Final Battle will start next Friday and run for about a week or so. Idea is to have a bunch of pre-determined time frames from which you can pick what suits you best. Then everyone can observe a specific Master vs. Challenger battle.
More info about that later.