Looking at those who gained the new job it seemed you were looking for those that had staff titles or a title close to it, I think you were more relax knowing you had the trust of those that helped greatly for this forums so far since there had been a tight bond already created. You did say "veteran status, meaning a combination of join date and post count" I think having a staff title should of been added to that also? after all you did say "Anyone who thought that they would get an important moderator position over those with clear seniority and staff experience, was overly optimistic."
You might want to read the end of that paragraph. Actually you should probably read the whole post, paying special attention to the parts where I talk about join date and post count. The key thing is that people who got picked, didn't get picked because they are staff members. They got picked mostly because of their join date, post count and overall activity. You can check this yourself.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say the reason you didn't like the system I used was the fact that you didn't get picked. Well, the reason that you didn't get picked, was that although you are active in Kongregate, you are not that active here. Arena Moderators will use a reporting system that will be added on the forums, so all Arena Mods naturally need to be active on the forums, otherwise they cannot do the job. So as you can see, you not getting the title has nothing to do with the fact that you do not already have a staff title. But I have to say that if I had an equal choice between you and someone who did have a staff title, I would most likely pick that other person because his or her experience in being a part of forum staff. It's nothing personal, it's all about seniority and experience.
If you are still convinced that there is a conspiracy of giving staff members all the best perks, there is an easy fix for that: apply for a staff position. We have new ones posted here every now and then, and they are open for everyone. It even makes more sense that way because you start small and slowly work your way up.