I already spend about a 1000x more time here than I do in the game...
lol same:
Before i found the forums here:
Time on elements: AI3 -- 60%
Time on elements: AI5 -- 10%
Other internet stuff: 30%
After I discovered this neat little cave:
Time on elements: AI3 -- 2%
Time on elements: AI5 -- 2%
Time on elements: FG -- 1%
Time on forums: 65%
Time on elements: T50 Farming: 20%
other internet sutff: 10%
damn that's a lot >_<
well - gotta check some other threads - my post count won't get to 200 by itself! It's alright all you helper/staff people getting avatars for free -- we gotta work for ours! (avg post count 10 per day)