
Offline ZyardranTopic starter

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  • Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.
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  • Awards: No Cheese II Tourney Most Creative DeckWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.09.20.)Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeBrawl #7 Winner - Green NightSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeChampionship League 3/2016 3rd PlaceSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday Cake
Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213309#msg1213309
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:43:33 am »
Spoiler for November NL 2015:
November 2015
WAR #9!

  • War #9 is well underway as all 12 elements continue to battle it out for first place! Gravity seems to have had it's lead snatched away from it by darkness! Things are looking tough, with darkness first, gravity second, and air third. What a war this seems to be so far! Stay tuned next month to see who will win this epic battle!

  • Raise the banners! Art competition: Raise the banners is still underway, with six days left to submit!  Go submit while you still can, after all, if you win, your art might just be the next banner!

  • Speedbuilding tournament is a tournament where you speedbuild - only fast-thinking players get the prize. Our Master of Air, Afdarenty, built his successful decks quick like the wind and won Speedbuilding - Unupgraded held on the 3rd of
    October. A short interview with him in the spoiler below:
    Spoiler for Interview with the winner:
    Did you like rules and tourney in general?
    I always like the speedbuild rules. It's a big test to try and understand what the meta will be in 15 minutes, and in this tourney it was particularly tough. I had to change my deck builds as the tourney progressed, and took a long time choosing which decks to play.

    What was the most exciting moment of the tourney for you?
    The last game of the final. It was 4am for me, and after three hours of playing everything rested on one game. Very tense.

    How would you summarize the whole tourney in one very short sentence or even one word?
    With all the stalls, a slow speedbuilding tourney.
    Congratulations for your speedbuidilng success! :)

  • Another small tournament of only 8 players, Battle of the Structures - Unupgraded, took place on the 10th of October. I was doing well myself, but I lost the final match to Odii Odsen who is on an amazing win streak. Games were long because he used mainly stall decks. Below in the spoiler you can find his interview.

    Spoiler for Hidden:
    Your 4th tournament win in a row. How do you do that?
    Experience, Skill, some coffee and luck.

    If you play elements for a long time, you realize really quickly the meta based on the WT rules. I build deck ideas in my mind and think of decks which it can lose to. Or at least what type of decks could beat it easily.
    An example from last tourney: I played most of the time two decks. One effective stall breaker (Steam machine, Quintessence, Momemntum) and a 60-cards-stall. The stall was big but effective against "rushes", smaller stalls and also against 60-cards stalls (Doll+freeze). Of course firestalls or in general OTK decks have a good chance but I thought on everything in this deck. 3 Stone Skin were enough to beat firestalls.

    My approach is 1. to build decks that can win against most other decks I do imagine and 2. in a best of X game, scare him with decks, he needs to counter. Opponents mostly will pick a deck that counters your first (if you win).

    -You used the same deck (or it seemed to be the same) against me in all games in the final match. Did you also use only that one deck throughout the whole tournament? Do you agree with dragonsdemesne who said that the mata of that tournament was stupid?
    I used two decks against you. The deck in game one was a stallbreaker with steam machines, momentum and quintessence (Hourglass for some speed, Sancs for heal and quanta pool protection,...). When I realized I can not win this game, I didnt play any cards in my hand to hide this deck from you. In game 2 and 3 I used that 60 card stall. After seeing deck 1 and 2 of you, I was 80% sure this could also win against your third deck.

    In total I used 3 decks if I remember correctly. I used a third one against Vangelios at a score of 1-1. This is why experience is important: I know Vangs playstyle a little bit (also before war), so I wanted to be a bit risky, since I always thought he isnt playing reflecting shields that much. I dont know why, maybe he doesnt like them. How ever, I played a similar deck to the FG killer from majofa. Against Morte. I made some modifications and build a stall what includes a stall breaker. I won. But I still dont know if Vang had reflective shields in his deck or not.

    Yes, the meta was a bit stupid. I agree. It would be better to ban also some stall perms, like sanctuary and Bonewall. This two addional bans would make the tourney a bit more interesting.

    What was the most exciting moment of the tourney for you?
    The most exciting moment was when I realized that Vang had no reflective shield in game 3.

    How would you summarize the whole tourney in one very short sentence or even one word?
    Congratulations! Shall we wish you a 5th WT win in a row? I do, but I hope I will not participate in that tournament then! ;)

  • If you need a successful trio deck, you need to contact dragonsdemesne, the winner of Trios with a twist - Unupgraded  (October 17th). Here are his decks. In the spoiler below, you can also read the interview with him.

    Spoiler for Interview with the winner:
    Did you like the rules in general?

    Overall, I thought it was pretty good.  I was a little baffled at the ban of nightmare (I don't think ghostmare would have been too strong, for instance, since at a trio it would've needed 5 permanents from another element) and I was even more baffled that trident somehow escaped the banlist.  I had initially been worried that nymphs weren't banned, since their spell-like effects seemed quite strong in this meta, but I suppose that they were too quanta intensive for trios.  The only game I used nymphs, I lost, and the only game I faced nymphs, I won.  A blue nymph deck might've been really strong to bypass the unstable gas ban, but I didn't have enough to make it work, so I didn't even try.

    What was that twist mentioned in the title?
    I'm not sure.  I guess the fact that you had to use 5 permanents, 5 creatures, and 5 spells, each from a different element.  The rules themselves didn't actually mention that they had to be from three separate elements, but, as was pointed out in chat when I asked, the name of the tourney includes 'trios', so it should have been obvious :p

    What was the most exciting moment of the tourney for you?
    Definitely the final game with DANIEELA.  I already described it in the tourney thread because it was so epic.

    How would you summarize the whole tourney in one very short sentence or even one word?
    Short answer, Trident OP today.  Long answer... I've done a lot of tournaments, and I've seen quite a few different styles of decks.  I've done really well in some, and completely bombed in others.  I'm not sure that I've EVER had a deck go 6-0 in a tourney before.  I think maybe once, when I played 'the deck' every game for the entire tourney, I might've had something similar, but that's about it.
    Congratulations on another WT trophy to your amazing awards collection! Soon you will need to buy a bigger trophy cabinet ;)

  • Rainbow decks rule! They are effective and fun to play. Do you agree? Nevertheless, a deck  of RapidStar_ was effective enough to win the tournament iancudorinmarian's retirement - Upgraded (October 24th). It will definitely be a tournament to remember for him as it was his first WT win ever and he mentioned, "That is the first thing I've ever won in elements for a big event contesting against other people and I feel good that I achieved it." He also revealed that he chose a Darkness Mark as a reward. Congratulations Rapid and make a good use of your first and hopefully not last mark card :) 

  • Looks like JonathanCrazyJ will have another league win, or maybe it'll be snatched away from him by xn0ize or Vangelios! League season is half over, Join before it's too late!

  • Kuroaitou's Relic Sweeper is well underway, but lucky for you, you can still join if you wanted! Seems like a fun game doesn't it? Go on, join!

  • eljoemo's Mafia 52 is now well underway, with players starting to fear for their game lives in this! Stay tuned and watch the action unravel!

Presenting this month's donors, thank you! We hope to see more people willing to donate!

Gold Donors

Silver Donors

Tea Time with Fippe94

Below is the portion of an interview:

What's a day in the life of a card curator like?

Well, I am not quite a ”normal” card curator. My work is almost entirely related to coding of Cygnia. So a normal day is me looking through what cards that have to be added, pick one to add (the easiest ones first :P) and then code it in. Then fix bugs related to the implementation. Then fix newly found bugs related to old cards. Then fix more bugs. (I.e. like every software ever).

You are the one of OEtG developers. How did you learn to code? Do you have any future plans connected to coding?

I had done a little bit of coding by myself earlier, but I really started learning in school at the age of 16. As for future plans: I am currently studying Computer Science at University, so I am definitely expecting some programming in my future :P

As one of the main forces involved in the on-going development and implementation of the oetg versions, what are your top 3 reasons an Elements player should consider adding oetg to their online gaming experience?

Find this answer and more in Fippe94's official interview

New Members

Spoiler for Introduction posts:

Here are the members who posted in the Introduce Yourself board (but not later than in 2 months prior to Newsletter). Just click a certain name to be redirected to corresponding introduction post. Don't be rude, say hello to new comers ;)

A quite mysterious comic this month. What Krzysiekxd is talking about? Look at the hints and you can guess! Enjoy!
(Below is actually only a bonus for a comic. Don't miss a link to an actual comic!

Spoiler for Bonus for a comic:
Here is my attempt at perspective drawing. Successful or not? Enjoy the making of process? ^^


Jade Stafftal

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
622 622 622 622 63a 63a 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7al 7al 7al 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pu

Yes, this is a thing.

Basically a Frogtal, but because nobody likes Dims, we use the healing power of Jade Staves. Built by dawn for Trials of Life 9, though he actually didn't use it. This deck is rushy while providing good healing.

Card by Card Breakdown
Fractal (4): Fractal is a powerful card, that fills your hand with the targeted creature. It can be used in any deck if it has enough quanta sources. Better hope you have enough quanta!
Aether Pendulum (2): To boost the amount of aether quanta you get, also a way for quanta split in case of Earthquakes.
Giant Frog (5): What was meant to be the original target of fractal, this card is strong with a low cost. A worthy opponent.
Jade Staff (3): This was originally meant for healing as well as a boost of four extra damage to your opponent. For kicks and giggles, you can Fractal these instead of your Frogs.
Life Pendulum (10): Ten of these for more quanta for all those creatures you get with Fractal. Provides a good quanta base for both Life and Aether.
Animate Weapon (6): These are meant to make the staff in your hand airborne so you can bring out another staff. There's six in case your opponent is carrying Reverse Time!

-Like many other Fractal based decks, Jade Stafftal does well against many stalls.
-It is fairly fast, capable of 8 ttw games.
-Fractal is easy to use, even easier if half your deck is quanta producers.

-If Staves decide to clog your hand, and you don't draw any Animate Weapon, it often screws you over as you get outrushed.
-Shields and Mass CC are pesky to deal with, especially damage reduction and Dims. If you want to play around Mass CC, always keep a frog in hand.
-As usual, bad draws can be a problem with this deck.
-Reverse Time and Eternity can be troublesome!

This deck is fun, and helps you understand the properties of Fractal. Plus, it's a fun way to experiment with aether and life duos.

This Card review was written by AD TienzuStorm

Copacati is a creature able to switch from providing support for its owner to hindering the opponent's set up seamlessly. Its versatility and powerful synergies allow it to shine in the CIA as an excellent design for Life CC.

At first glance, Copacati seems to be quite a weak card. Contrary to most Life creatures, its cost:attack ratio is nothing to brag about, and its ability appears to be a more expensive and less powerful version of Lobotomy. However, upon looking closer, Copacati proves to be an interesting little creature.


Whilst seeming vastly outshadowed by Mind Flayer in terms of CC, Copacati proves to fill in its own niche. It can be used in a mono and also allows for Life to shut down most decks relying on abilities.


Whilst not being the area immediately thought of upon seeing the card, this is the area where Copacati shines. Unlike Mind Flayer, Copacati can help strengthen your position by either allowing usage of off element abilities (ex: Forest Spirit) or lowering ability costs (ex: Mitosis on anything in element not a Forest Scorpion or Frog). This helps to make Mitosis based decks even faster and also allows for some interesting splash decks using cheap creatures with non Life abilities (Lycanthropes, Graviton Fire Eaters, Chrysaoras, etc.).

It is also a wonderful tool for trimming down trios into duos. For example, it allows :life :water Steam Machines, :life :light Pegasi, even :life :earth Pulverizer if you're in the mood for it. One particular trio-turned-into-a-duo that springs out from using this card is :life :water Copacati+NT. The usually expensive abilities of Nymphs can be replaced with :life :life. Imagine a Life/Water stall having access to effects such as Antimatter, BH, and reusable CC in the form of Red Nymph's Berserk and Auburn Nymph's Petrify. And they're all immaterial.

And these aren't even all of Copacati's possible synergies if it were to be implemented. There are plenty more out there, and Life will benefit very much from such a card.

Here's a deck designed and tested by Fippe94 that demonstrates two possible combos with Copacati!

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7gs 7gs 7gr 7gr 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7gp 8pp

(???'s represent Copacati)

While it may appear a bit low on :water generation, don't be fooled - some decks require a lot of :life commitment, and with Steam Machines, Poseidon, and possibility Arctic Squids taking  from your quanta pool, you'll need a lot of :life quanta at the ready!

Discord's War Diary

Apparently I did good for my first fight, iancu says. I’m not sure though, I never really liked fighting other people, it’s almost as if I can sense their pain. It bothers me. Though if he says I did good, I’m not about to argue. This war seems harder than what I actually thought…
Looks like iancu wants to see me in his office, I better go.. I wonder what he wants to do now? It’s kinda worrying to me, though if he wants to see me I better go. I wonder though…

Many thanks to:
-kirbylover314 for Deck idea of the Month.
-AD TienzuStorm for Card idea of the Month.
-Fippe94 for the interview.
-Zawadx and inthisroom for proofreading.
-all readers for reading ;)

« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 11:30:45 am by Discord »
Team :entropy War #14
The :light of my :fire guides the way...
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  • Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.
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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - TaskmasterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSilver DonorBrawl #3 Winner - Divine LightSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: Novermber 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213310#msg1213310
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 12:44:00 am »
Spoiler for November NL 2015 condensed:
November 2015
WAR #9!


Spoiler for PvP Events:

  • War #9 is well underway as all 12 elements continue to battle it out for first place! Gravity seems to have had it's lead snatched away from it by darkness! Things are looking tough, with darkness first, gravity second, and life third. What a war this seems to be so far! Stay tuned next month to see who will win this epic battle!

Spoiler for Competitions:

  • Raise the banners! Art competition: Raise the banners is still underway, with six days left to submit!  Go submit while you still can, after all, if you win, your art might just be the next banner!

Spoiler for Weekly Tournaments:

  • Speedbuilding tournament is a tournament where you speedbuild - only fast-thinking players get the prize. Our Master of Air, Afdarenty, built his successful decks quick like the wind and won Speedbuilding - Unupgraded held on the 3rd of
    October. A short interview with him in the spoiler below:
    Spoiler for Interview with the winner:
    Did you like rules and tourney in general?
    I always like the speedbuild rules. It's a big test to try and understand what the meta will be in 15 minutes, and in this tourney it was particularly tough. I had to change my deck builds as the tourney progressed, and took a long time choosing which decks to play.

    What was the most exciting moment of the tourney for you?
    The last game of the final. It was 4am for me, and after three hours of playing everything rested on one game. Very tense.

    How would you summarize the whole tourney in one very short sentence or even one word?
    With all the stalls, a slow speedbuilding tourney.
    Congratulations for your speedbuidilng success! :)

  • Another small tournament of only 8 players, Battle of the Structures - Unupgraded, took place on the 10th of October. I was doing well myself, but I lost the final match to Odii Odsen who is on an amazing win streak. Games were long because he used mainly stall decks. Below in the spoiler you can find his interview.

    Spoiler for Hidden:
    Your 4th tournament win in a row. How do you do that?
    Experience, Skill, some coffee and luck.

    If you play elements for a long time, you realize really quickly the meta based on the WT rules. I build deck ideas in my mind and think of decks which it can lose to. Or at least what type of decks could beat it easily.
    An example from last tourney: I played most of the time two decks. One effective stall breaker (Steam machine, Quintessence, Momemntum) and a 60-cards-stall. The stall was big but effective against "rushes", smaller stalls and also against 60-cards stalls (Doll+freeze). Of course firestalls or in general OTK decks have a good chance but I thought on everything in this deck. 3 Stone Skin were enough to beat firestalls.

    My approach is 1. to build decks that can win against most other decks I do imagine and 2. in a best of X game, scare him with decks, he needs to counter. Opponents mostly will pick a deck that counters your first (if you win).

    -You used the same deck (or it seemed to be the same) against me in all games in the final match. Did you also use only that one deck throughout the whole tournament? Do you agree with dragonsdemesne who said that the mata of that tournament was stupid?
    I used two decks against you. The deck in game one was a stallbreaker with steam machines, momentum and quintessence (Hourglass for some speed, Sancs for heal and quanta pool protection,...). When I realized I can not win this game, I didnt play any cards in my hand to hide this deck from you. In game 2 and 3 I used that 60 card stall. After seeing deck 1 and 2 of you, I was 80% sure this could also win against your third deck.

    In total I used 3 decks if I remember correctly. I used a third one against Vangelios at a score of 1-1. This is why experience is important: I know Vangs playstyle a little bit (also before war), so I wanted to be a bit risky, since I always thought he isnt playing reflecting shields that much. I dont know why, maybe he doesnt like them. How ever, I played a similar deck to the FG killer from majofa. Against Morte. I made some modifications and build a stall what includes a stall breaker. I won. But I still dont know if Vang had reflective shields in his deck or not.

    Yes, the meta was a bit stupid. I agree. It would be better to ban also some stall perms, like sanctuary and Bonewall. This two addional bans would make the tourney a bit more interesting.

    What was the most exciting moment of the tourney for you?
    The most exciting moment was when I realized that Vang had no reflective shield in game 3.

    How would you summarize the whole tourney in one very short sentence or even one word?
    Congratulations! Shall we wish you a 5th WT win in a row? I do, but I hope I will not participate in that tournament then! ;)

  • If you need a successful trio deck, you need to contact dragonsdemesne, the winner of Trios with a twist - Unupgraded  (October 17th). Here are his decks. In the spoiler below, you can also read the interview with him.

    Spoiler for Interview with the winner:
    Did you like the rules in general?

    Overall, I thought it was pretty good.  I was a little baffled at the ban of nightmare (I don't think ghostmare would have been too strong, for instance, since at a trio it would've needed 5 permanents from another element) and I was even more baffled that trident somehow escaped the banlist.  I had initially been worried that nymphs weren't banned, since their spell-like effects seemed quite strong in this meta, but I suppose that they were too quanta intensive for trios.  The only game I used nymphs, I lost, and the only game I faced nymphs, I won.  A blue nymph deck might've been really strong to bypass the unstable gas ban, but I didn't have enough to make it work, so I didn't even try.

    What was that twist mentioned in the title?
    I'm not sure.  I guess the fact that you had to use 5 permanents, 5 creatures, and 5 spells, each from a different element.  The rules themselves didn't actually mention that they had to be from three separate elements, but, as was pointed out in chat when I asked, the name of the tourney includes 'trios', so it should have been obvious :p

    What was the most exciting moment of the tourney for you?
    Definitely the final game with DANIEELA.  I already described it in the tourney thread because it was so epic.

    How would you summarize the whole tourney in one very short sentence or even one word?
    Short answer, Trident OP today.  Long answer... I've done a lot of tournaments, and I've seen quite a few different styles of decks.  I've done really well in some, and completely bombed in others.  I'm not sure that I've EVER had a deck go 6-0 in a tourney before.  I think maybe once, when I played 'the deck' every game for the entire tourney, I might've had something similar, but that's about it.
    Congratulations on another WT trophy to your amazing awards collection! Soon you will need to buy a bigger trophy cabinet ;)

  • Rainbow decks rule! They are effective and fun to play. Do you agree? Nevertheless, a deck  of RapidStar_ was effective enough to win the tournament iancudorinmarian's retirement - Upgraded (October 24th). It will definitely be a tournament to remember for him as it was his first WT win ever and he mentioned, "That is the first thing I've ever won in elements for a big event contesting against other people and I feel good that I achieved it." He also revealed that he chose a Darkness Mark as a reward. Congratulations Rapid and make a good use of your first and hopefully not last mark card :) 

Spoiler for Leagues:

  • Looks like JonathanCrazyJ will have another league win, or maybe it'll be snatched away from him by xn0ize or Vangelios! League season is half over, Join before it's too late!

Spoiler for Forum Games:

  • Kuroaitou's Relic Sweeper is well underway, but lucky for you, you can still join if you wanted! Seems like a fun game doesn't it? Go on, join!

  • eljoemo's Mafia 52 is now well underway, with players starting to fear for their game lives in this! Stay tuned and watch the action unravel!

Spoiler for Staff Changes:

Presenting this month's donors, thank you! We hope to see more people willing to donate!

Gold Donors

Silver Donors

Spoiler for Tea Time (interview):
Tea Time with Fippe94

Below is the portion of an interview with Fippe94!

What's a day in the life of a card curator like?

Well, I am not quite a ”normal” card curator. My work is almost entirely related to coding of Cygnia. So a normal day is me looking through what cards that have to be added, pick one to add (the easiest ones first :P) and then code it in. Then fix bugs related to the implementation. Then fix newly found bugs related to old cards. Then fix more bugs. (I.e. like every software ever).

You are the one of OEtG developers. How did you learn to code? Do you have any future plans connected to coding?

I had done a little bit of coding by myself earlier, but I really started learning in school at the age of 16. As for future plans: I am currently studying Computer Science at University, so I am definitely expecting some programming in my future :P

As one of the main forces involved in the on-going development and implementation of the oetg versions, what are your top 3 reasons an Elements player should consider adding oetg to their online gaming experience?

Find this answer and more in Fippe94's official interview

Spoiler for Comic of the Month:

Spoiler for Deck Idea of the Month:

Jade Stafftal

Spoiler for deck code:
622 622 622 622 63a 63a 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7al 7al 7al 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pu

Yes, this is a thing.

Basically a Frogtal, but because nobody likes Dims, we use the healing power of Jade Staves. Built by dawn for Trials of Life 9, though he actually didn't use it. This deck is rushy while providing good healing.

Card by Card Breakdown
Fractal (4): Fractal is a powerful card, that fills your hand with the targeted creature. It can be used in any deck if it has enough quanta sources. Better hope you have enough quanta!
Aether Pendulum (2): To boost the amount of aether quanta you get, also a way for quanta split in case of Earthquakes.
Giant Frog (5): What was meant to be the original target of fractal, this card is strong with a low cost. A worthy opponent.
Jade Staff (3): This was originally meant for healing as well as a boost of four extra damage to your opponent. For kicks and giggles, you can Fractal these instead of your Frogs.
Life Pendulum (10): Ten of these for more quanta for all those creatures you get with Fractal. Provides a good quanta base for both Life and Aether.
Animate Weapon (6): These are meant to make the staff in your hand airborne so you can bring out another staff. There's six in case your opponent is carrying Reverse Time!

-Like many other Fractal based decks, Jade Stafftal does well against many stalls.
-It is fairly fast, capable of 8 ttw games.
-Fractal is easy to use, even easier if half your deck is quanta producers.

-If Staves decide to clog your hand, and you don't draw any Animate Weapon, it often screws you over as you get outrushed.
-Shields and Mass CC are pesky to deal with, especially damage reduction and Dims. If you want to play around Mass CC, always keep a frog in hand.
-As usual, bad draws can be a problem with this deck.
-Reverse Time and Eternity can be troublesome!

This deck is fun, and helps you understand the properties of Fractal. Plus, it's a fun way to experiment with aether and life duos.

Spoiler for Card Idea of the Month:

This Card review was written by AD TienzuStorm

Copacati is a creature able to switch from providing support for its owner to hindering the opponent's set up seamlessly. Its versatility and powerful synergies allow it to shine in the CIA as an excellent design for Life CC.

At first glance, Copacati seems to be quite a weak card. Contrary to most Life creatures, its cost:attack ratio is nothing to brag about, and its ability appears to be a more expensive and less powerful version of Lobotomy. However, upon looking closer, Copacati proves to be an interesting little creature.


Whilst seeming vastly outshadowed by Mind Flayer in terms of CC, Copacati proves to fill in its own niche. It can be used in a mono and also allows for Life to shut down most decks relying on abilities.


Whilst not being the area immediately thought of upon seeing the card, this is the area where Copacati shines. Unlike Mind Flayer, Copacati can help strengthen your position by either allowing usage of off element abilities (ex: Forest Spirit) or lowering ability costs (ex: Mitosis on anything in element not a Forest Scorpion or Frog). This helps to make Mitosis based decks even faster and also allows for some interesting splash decks using cheap creatures with non Life abilities (Lycanthropes, Graviton Fire Eaters, Chrysaoras, etc.).

It is also a wonderful tool for trimming down trios into duos. For example, it allows :life :water Steam Machines, :life :light Pegasi, even :life :earth Pulverizer if you're in the mood for it. One particular trio-turned-into-a-duo that springs out from using this card is :life :water Copacati+NT. The usually expensive abilities of Nymphs can be replaced with :life :life. Imagine a Life/Water stall having access to effects such as Antimatter, BH, and reusable CC in the form of Red Nymph's Berserk and Auburn Nymph's Petrify. And they're all immaterial.

And these aren't even all of Copacati's possible synergies if it were to be implemented. There are plenty more out there, and Life will benefit very much from such a card.

Here's a deck designed and tested by Fippe94 that demonstrates two possible combos with Copacati!

Spoiler for deck image:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7gs 7gs 7gr 7gr 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7gp 8pp
(???'s represent Copacati)

While it may appear a bit low on :water generation, don't be fooled - some decks require a lot of :life commitment, and with Steam Machines, Poseidon, and possibility Arctic Squids taking  from your quanta pool, you'll need a lot of :life quanta at the ready!

Spoiler for New Members:

Spoiler for Thank yous:
Many thanks to:
-kirbylover314 for Deck idea of the Month.
-AD TienzuStorm for Card idea of the Month.
-Fippe94 for the interview.
-Zawadx and inthisrom for proofreading.
-all readers for reading ;)

« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 02:03:31 am by Krzysiekxd »
nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213315#msg1213315
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 01:28:09 am »
I only just arrived, but am very glad to see that there's a newsletter here and that you clearly put a lot of effort into it!

Reminds me of when I used to do something similar, on fora long since past...

Thanks for the updates and please keep it up!
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213325#msg1213325
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 02:56:31 am »
Yeah, I gotta admit I'm always a little surprised the newsletter looks so good/is written so well. All ya'll writers/contributors are really wonderful.

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213361#msg1213361
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 08:50:02 am »
As always, thanks for doing this!
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213383#msg1213383
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2015, 02:01:17 pm »
Seriously? "Jade Stafftal"? It's just a bad Frogtal with uses in very specific meta. 6 AW's for 3 Jade Staffs? The draw chances for this are just no. Plus what in the chances would be for you to actually be able to cast fractal on your jade staff without feeling like an idiot who can only dish out one or two more damage dealers at best? Why call it "Jade Stafftal" and be so misleading when you can't even fractal it properly(better add this before someone jump at me as usual)?

I thought last month's Deck Idea of the Month was bad, but no, that one was just redundant. This one is downright bad.

Honestly, if these are the decks "left" for you all to make "Deck Idea of the Month" for I'd suggest stop doing them entirely.

I mean, c'mon.
It can be used in any deck if it has enough quanta sources.

Like every other card in the game? Well that's a surprise.

There's six in case your opponent is carrying Reverse Time!
No, man, that's not the reason there's six specially if your focus is on fractalling the Jade Staffs.
That's not the reason at all.
Just no.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 02:13:21 pm by Dm »

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213387#msg1213387
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2015, 02:18:51 pm »
While, yes, Fractalling a weapon in a deck is absolutely insane for anything other than novelty (which is a bit sad if the community deck of the month is going to be just a novelty)...

This just happened:

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213390#msg1213390
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2015, 02:29:28 pm »
While, yes, Fractalling a weapon in a deck is absolutely insane for anything other than novelty (which is a bit sad if the community deck of the month is going to be just a novelty)...

This just happened:

Congrats, in one out of one hundred games you can not feel like a retard for fractalling Jade Staff~
It's unlikely; doesn't mean it will never work but 99% of the time it's just no.
Plus the reasoning for some cards is ABYSMAL. If that was made better and they made it clear the deck is novelty I would have no issues with this. I once played a deck that 3ttw'd a FF; did it once out of two hundred games. Doesn't make it good. Is it valid for DIotM? Hell yeah as long as it's written DECENTLY and made clear it's novelty.

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213391#msg1213391
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2015, 02:30:54 pm »
Dm, please..
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213392#msg1213392
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2015, 02:32:05 pm »
Dm, please..

No. Saying that in a deck where the focus is fractalling the weapon, you have six AWs for Reverse Time is UNACCEPTABLE.

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213409#msg1213409
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2015, 05:34:49 pm »
I've played around with it, and fractalling staves if you have enough AWs in hand is not a bad thing. Even at 3 AWs you get  16 damage + 20 healing, and more if you draw other AWs. It can provide the survivability needed for frogtal to carry damage later on.

What Dm is really saying though is that six AWs are there for the chance of stafftal. Saying that they're there for RT is simply misleading. I mean, if there's a threat of RT you shouldn't play animated weapons at all; investing 4 useless cards is a no. 1 way to make your deck worse. So if you're writing DIotM, try to actually be educational about the deck's cards and the meta it was used in. Try to focus on why the combinations in the deck were chosen: why is fractalling Jade staves viable in Life trials? What about Frogtal? What other cards might've been included? I know you guys put in a lot of work here, but readers do expect that work to be done well.
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: November 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60330.msg1213410#msg1213410
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2015, 06:26:13 pm »
There are a lot of decks I'd choose before something subpar, but I haven't submitted any so I have no right to complain, only suggest. The writing has left a bit to be desired from DIotM for quite a while, from subpar decks to grammar, spelling and lacking card explanations, but unless you volunteer to do a more thorough job, you should keep the vitriol down. Constructive feedback is what's needed.

The rest is great quality as always.
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