
Offline CalambarTopic starter

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  • Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.
  • https://www.elfdict.com/w/calambar
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - TaskmasterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSilver DonorBrawl #3 Winner - Divine LightSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1180961#msg1180961
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:34:33 pm »
Spoiler for March NL 2015:
March 2015
Brawl #4 has started!
New Tournament Organizers!

The forums need money: please consider donating!


According to our Forum Hosting Status, which is edited by administrator antiaverage, the forums are funded only until April 1st, 2015.

Thus, everyone who both cares about the forums and can afford to contribute, please consider donating!

The Council decided that as a reward for donating to the forums, everyone who has contributed at least $20 will be mentioned in the Newsletter. Because this is the first Newsletter where we mention donators, below is the list of all members who have contributed at least $20. Future Newsletters will only list new donors who contribute at least $20.

Spoiler for the list of donors:

You can check the Forum Hosting Status: HERE.

  • RootRanger's new event Trenzalore is still in the works, though reports suggest it will be delayed briefly.

  • End of War, a Writing/Art competition, ended with an unsatisfactory turnout of just two entries. War-winning General RootRanger emerged victorious in this contest with his first-hand account of the 'Elements Showdown'. Maybe someday we'll get a real rap of it. ;)

  • And... well, nothing. Competitions are on hold until Brawl ends. But if you have any ideas, be sure to post them here!. And if you would like to help creativity flourish a bit more on the forum, be sure to apply for CO!

    This section was written by CO Zawadx

  • Look, it's a bird ... no, it's a flying potato ... no, it's flyingcat! He is the same person who won Speedbuilding: I AM POTATO - Unupgraded on the 7th of February, which was his first Weekly Tournament win. The winner declared that the matches were "exciting and intense up until the last turn."  He was surprised that no one he battled used Discord, as he considered it "a very good disrupter." His profile discloses that he enjoys "trolling people occasionally." There is no doubt about that, but not everyone is such a trolling potato. ;) Congratulations on your first win!

  • "Winning a nymph on Valentine's Day - what could be better? :)" That is how Ginyu summarized Weekly Tournament Valentine's Day - Upgraded, which obviously took place on the 14th of February. This was Ginyu's first WT trophy! Apart from admitting that it felt great to win, he also revealed, "I usually favour tourneys that are restricted using a theme to explain the restrictions. That way, you have to consider anything the meta might bring, but it's not just banned only because of balance reasons, so there are still some strong strategies to find out (OP ones banned, of course)." Congratulations on your first win and have a nice time with your nymph. ^^

  • Ginyu seems to be on a winning streak, as on the 21st of February he won his second Weekly Tournament, Name Game 5 - Unupgraded,  just a week after his first win. When asked how he managed to win twice in a row, he humoristically replied, "Maybe I just found my theme: Use one nymph to win another one. These women are highly motivated to fight for new friends!" In addition to this accomplishment, Ginyu is also a recently elected Tournament Organizer (along with both mathman101 and iancudorinmarian), and that was his first ever hosted tournament. Good job Ginyu!

  • On the last day of February, montrossen won his first Weekly Tournament trophy in Newbie's Rejoice - Unupgraded. He admitted, "It felt great, but because I had won in part from people forfeiting (2/4 matches), it felt like less of an achievement than it would have been if I had won the usual way. That's not to say I feel like I did not win anything, I still did a long victory dance :P." In addition, he confessed that even though matches were intense and nerve-wracking, he liked the rules that required making unique decks and thought it should be a norm in future tournaments. Congratulations and best wishes for continued wins!

    This section was written with the great help of J617

  • Championship League: Defending champion xn0ize is still looking strong, but sits in second place this season with a score of 1521.  With the same number of wins but two fewer losses, worldwideweb3 holds first place and a score of 1566!

  • Battle League:With just one month to go in the season, Puff is still holding strong in first place, but flyingcat has narrowed the gap to just a single point!  With worldwideweb3 also within 10 points of first place, this looks like a race for the ages!

  • There's just one month left, so be sure to play your matches!

  • Elements Mafia 46, hosted by Frozengaia, is now in progress. With a less zany setup, we'll see what happens.

  • Elements Hangman is still going strong! Join in the wordsmithery and enjoy the games!

  • Elements Tag is being started by eaglgenes101.  Try your skill in a new board game style game!

  • We're looking to hire new Competition Organizers! Be sure to PM Zawadx if you want to apply!

Tea Time with Giants:worldwideweb3

Below is the portion of an interview:

What's been your most exciting moment in Elements play so far?

Winning war. What really helped was that our team had experienced players and we were probably the most active. But that will soon be replaced by something else  ;)

Congratulations on being part of the new council! What made you decide to apply for it?

Thanks fellow council member ;) I applied for council because I do have a lot of time and want to work for the community. Also, it will help in gaining experience.

Are there any staff titles you'd like to hold someday?

Find this answer and more in Interviewee's official interview

New Members

Spoiler for Introduction posts:

Here are the members who posted in the Introduce Yourself board (but within maximum 30 days after registration to the forums). Just click a certain name to be redirected to corresponding introduction post. Don't be rude, say hello to new comers ;)

Below is just an excerpt of a comic about preparations for Brawl #4. Don't forget to click the link to the full comic. Enjoy!

Spoiler for An excerpt of a comic:


SoPa Pestbow by Youpla

This deck review was written by iancudorinmarian

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 715 7al 7hi 7hi 7hi 7q4 7q4 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t9 7t9 7t9 7td 7td 7td 7td 7th 7th 80a 80a 8pt

If you are one of the people who likes trying new strategies, like SoR on a rustler (which, by the way, it doesn't work as you think it will), this deck is perfect for you. Ever wondered what happens if you burrow a creature, let it grow under SoPa and unburrow it? I won't spoil the surprise, after all, this will determine you to try this deck yourself. These are the notes about the deck, written by the one who created the deck, Youpla:

Nova: the only 0-card cost. You are assured to go with 1 in the starting hand, allowing to play a Pest in the second turn if starting first. Stats are superiors to get 2 Novas when starting second.

Skull Buckler: may be switched by a Fog Shield, but is superior vs some hard-decks to play against, see below. Rarely, it allows you to fill AI hand (with Nightmare) with Skelletons if it play  :darkness and not  :death

Jade Staff: probably more interresting than Vamp Dagger, because the gain of life is assured (Vamp is sensible to shields), and also because  :darkness quantas are limited.

SoPa: 3 seems reasonable to get one enough early.

Rewind: CC. Is used also as an indirect quanta denial, since opponent will not draw a pillar/pendulum, and will pay 2 times the casting cost (if able!). Also cool with Nightmare.

Pest: Since the first is casted, others come. Don't forget to burrow them asap...

Steal: Mainly quanta denial. The first target is pendulums (giving you some  :darkness quantas), second is towers, and may be used in a more classical way. (Vs Ghostmare, steal the Time Towers. It delays the cast of Ghosts, and more, allow you later to cast them).

Vampire: Tempo when SoPa isn't there, and big healing when SoPa do the job.

Nightmare: To use wisely: I mean, you have to play it when you are sure than when you do, you will prevent for several rounds AI to draw 2 cards/turn. It's really an important part of the denial, healing a bit.

Thunderbolt: CC.

Angry Elephant | Raging Elephant by Ginyu
This card review was written by iancudorinmarian.

"CC for life!? No! You will mess with the order of the Elements Universe!"- random veteran
"Oops."- Ginyu

Did you ever want to kill a small, but powerful creature like ruby dragon with a single shot, especially in :life ? Well, now you have the possibility. With this, you can use :gravity mark and stomp everything in your sight! This creature also synergies with adrenaline (better with unupped) and thorn carapace. You can slowly wipe out the enemy's field with this. Add some Shard of Gratitude and the job is done!

There is also another combo. Although it requires a duo, you can combo it with otyugh and gravity shield. Eat everything small with the oty, block the big creatures with gravity shield and wait for the elephant to stomp them when the small ones are in the oty's stomach.

I will leave the fun for you to find out the other synergies, because in this game, they are endless.

Puzzle of the Month

Elements Wordoku Puzzle

The goals of Wordoku are to fill in every empty square with one of nine letters and to find the clue.  Each letter can appear only once in each horizontal row, in each vertical column, and in each of the 3x3 grids, in each 9x9 grid.  The finished puzzle will contain the spelling of [a] word(s) somehow related to Elements (but not necessarily using all nine letters). 

The only difference between this version and a regular Wordoku, is that there are five invididual puzzles, combined in such a manner, that the middle one has overlapping corners with one corner of each of the other puzzles.  This allows there to be shared 3x3 sections, which being the same, can be used in both parts of the puzzle.

To solve, place a letter into every empty square, so that each row across, each column down, and each nine box square (3x3 grid), in a 9x9 grid, will contain each of the listed letters.  Then read the 9x9 grids (both across and downwards) to find the clue.

Clue:  War 8 heavyweight

It has the letters:  B E F I L O R S T

*Note:  This puzzle is solvable without using any “what ifs.”  If you find a difficult area, simply go to another easier area to solve, so that the shared corners can help solve more difficult areas.  Thus, this puzzle is not difficult, but one may find it a bit time consuming.

Spoiler for help in solving:

The only difference between a regular Sudoku and a Wordoku is that letters are used instead of numbers.  The same concept is used in solving both.

Here is an simple example of how to solve a Sudoku puzzle.

Because this example is a 4x4 puzzle, there must be the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in each row, column, and 2x2 grid.

Notice that the top row shows the numbers 1 and 4.  The two blank spaces are then obviously 2 and 3, in some order.  Notice the left blank's column.  There is a 3 there, so the number 3 can not go in that left blank space, it must therefore be a 2.  Thus, the other blank space is a 3.

Now notice the upper right grid.  It subsequently has the numbers 1, 3, and 4.  Since it is missing a 2, fill in that blank with a 2.

At this time, look at the 2nd column down.  It has a 2 and a 3, so it is missing a 1 and a 4.  In the lower space, there is a 4 in that row (or lower left grid), so that space is a 1.  Consequently, a 4 goes in the upper space.

By either checking the upper left grid or the 2nd row, that blank space is obviously a 3.

As a result, the remaining first column space is evidently a 2.

The 4th column shows a 2 and a 4, so the other spaces are a 1 and a 3 in some order.  The bottom row has a 1, so the bottom space is a 3 and the one above it is a 1.

Finally, the last two spaces are a 2 and a 4 in some order.  It is now apparent that a 2 goes in the bottom space and the one above it is a 4.

(While following the example given for this puzzle, you may have noticed other ways to progress.  This puzzle can be solved via many different sequences; it is up to you to choose which order to do so.  There is no correct order as the answer will still remain the same.)

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

In addition to basic checking of each of the rows, columns, and 3x3 grids, there are times when using letters you know to be in a group may help you solve other letters.  For Example, say that there is a row, where there are three blanks all in one 3x3 grid, and that grid is missing two more numbers.  Then you know what the other two numbers are, in some order.  So in the example below, 4, 5, and 6 are missing in the top middle row.  But that middle grid is also missing an 8 and a 9.  Having an 8 in that bottom row means that in that middle 3x3 grid, the 9 is the bottom right number while the 8 is the middle right number.

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

There are times when determining that a letter which goes in one column or row in a 3x3 grid, can help you ascertain the placement of that letter in another column or row in a different 3x3 grid.  For example, looking at the illustration below, one might think that nothing can be solved, but it can.  See the 5 in the third row?  Checking the third 3x3 grid, it is obvious that a 5 goes in its first column, in one of the top two spaces.  Knowing this information and noticing the 5 in the 5th row / 8th column,  it is obvious that a 5 goes in the 7th row / 9th column.

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

Similarly, if a number evidently goes somewhere in two columns in both of two nearby grids, as 2 and 5 show below, the remaining column on the remaining grid, are where the 2 and the 5 go in that column.  In this example, because there is a 2 in the 7th row / 2nd column, this means that the 5 goes in the 7th row / 9th column and the 2 goes in the 8th row / 9th column.

Another way to view the example below, is to notice that the 9th column is missing a 1, 2, 4, and 5.  Neither of the top two blank spaces can be either 2 or 5, so they must be 1 and 4, in some order.  Thus the bottom two blank spaces must be 2 and 5, in some order.  Furthermore, because there is a 2 in the 7th row / 2nd column, this means that the 5 goes in the 7th row / 9th column and the 2 goes in the 8th row / 9th column.

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

In addition, one may find that checking an overlapped corner part of the puzzle using both 9x9 sections of the puzzle, may deduce a letter.

* Do not assume that there is only one of each letter in any part of the puzzle which isn't part of one of the five 9x9 grids.  For example, looking at the entire puzzle, look at row nine.  Columns one through nine, seven through fifteen, and thirteen through twenty one, will each show a letter only once,  but columns four through twelve do not follow the same rules as they are not part of one 9x9 grid.

To find the clue word(s), read each row across and each column down, trying to find [a] word(s).  You may find a few words in the puzzle, but the one related to this Elements puzzle is the one which somewhat fits the [Elements] clue.   Keep in mind that the word doesn't necessarily use all nine letters.

Spoiler for if you have difficulties solving:

You can pm me and ask to be provided a few additional letters in whichever 9x9 section of the puzzle you are having difficulty with.  Or I would be pleased to look at what you have already completed to make sure that you have not made any mistakes (which would likely make the puzzle seem more difficult than it is).  I am also happy to help point you in a direction which will help you solve the puzzle. ;)

Spoiler for help in getting an answer to me:

Spoiler for if you have no idea of how send an answer to me, here are instructions on how to pm a picture to me:

After scanning a hard copy or using paint to save the picture in your computer, upload the picture to the internet.  Different sites can be used, but here are a few options:  imgur.com, photobucket.com, and tinypic.com.  Once it is uploaded, on another page, click to open a pm to me.  Then copy the link where you uploaded the picture, to that pm.  At the end of the link, make sure that it has a “.png” at the end of it (you can type it in).  If you prefer, you can use “.jpg” or “.gif” instead, but do not forget to add the period before the three letters.  Now highlight that line and click “insert image.”  (This is the [Mona Lisa] picture, which is located above the smilies.)  When clicked, it will insert two sets of brackets with img on either side of the link you highlighted.  Now preview your pm to see if the picture shows.  If it does not, then recheck.  When ready, click send.

Spoiler for if you prefer to just type your answers:

One option is to simply type the letters (and spaces if needed) of the puzzle.  (For sizing purposes, it might be easier to do each 9x9 puzzle individually.)  Remember to make the clue word noticeable somehow.  For example:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  1
3  4  5  6  7  8  9  1  2
4  5  6  7  8  9  1  2  3
5  6  7  8  9  1  2  3  4
6  7  8  9  1  2  3  4  5
7  8  9  1  2  3  4  5  6
8  9  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
9  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

If you would like to send in an answer and are still confused or have difficulties doing so, you are welcome to pm me, and I will try to help.  I would much prefer a pm to someone's disappointment that they can not accomplish such a task. ;)  You are also welcome to contact me if you are having difficulties with solving the puzzle(s), and I will try to help. :)  This goes for all my puzzles.

If you solve this puzzle and send the answers via pm to J617 by the deadline, your name will be listed in next month's Newsletter.

The countdown has concluded.

Last month's Elements Logic Grid Puzzle solution:

Spoiler for the solution and the list of names who sent in the answer to J617:

*Interesting tidbit:  I searched recent Introduce Yourself posts, and took the data of those listing both fairly common American names (I had to abbreviate one to serve this purpose) and a favorite element for this puzzle.  This proved more difficult than anticipated as those few listing at least semi-common American names mostly picked the same elements:  Entropy and Fire.

Congratulations to all who sent in the solution to last month's Elements Logic Grid puzzle. :)


Many thanks to:
-J617 for Puzzle of the Month and helping with WT section and Imporant News
-iancudorinmarian for Card Idea of the Month and Deck Idea of the Month
-Zawadx for Competitions section
-Naesala for a comic idea
-worldwideweb3 for the interview
-all readers for reading ;)

nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

Offline CalambarTopic starter

  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 1741
  • Country: pl
  • Reputation Power: 37
  • Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.
  • https://www.elfdict.com/w/calambar
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - TaskmasterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSilver DonorBrawl #3 Winner - Divine LightSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1180962#msg1180962
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 09:35:14 pm »
Spoiler for March NL 2015 small:

March 2015

Brawl #4 has started!
New Tournament Organizers!

The forums need money: please consider donating!


According to our Forum Hosting Status, which is edited by administrator antiaverage, the forums are funded only until April 1st, 2015.

Thus, everyone who both cares about the forums and can afford to contribute, please consider donating!

The Council decided that as a reward for donating to the forums, everyone who has contributed at least $20 will be mentioned in the Newsletter. Because this is the first Newsletter where we mention donators, below is the list of all members who have contributed at least $20. Future Newsletters will only list new donors who contribute at least $20.

Spoiler for the list of donors:

You can check the Forum Hosting Status: HERE.

Spoiler for PvP Events:

  • RootRanger's new event Trenzalore is still in the works, though reports suggest it will be delayed briefly.

Spoiler for Competitions:

  • End of War, a Writing/Art competition, ended with an unsatisfactory turnout of just two entries. War-winning General RootRanger emerged victorious in this contest with his first-hand account of the 'Elements Showdown'. Maybe someday we'll get a real rap of it. ;)

  • And... well, nothing. Competitions are on hold until Brawl ends. But if you have any ideas, be sure to post them here!. And if you would like to help creativity flourish a bit more on the forum, be sure to apply for CO!

    This section was written by CO Zawadx

Spoiler for Weekly Tournaments:

  • Look, it's a bird ... no, it's a flying potato ... no, it's flyingcat! He is the same person who won Speedbuilding: I AM POTATO - Unupgraded on the 7th of February, which was his first Weekly Tournament win. The winner declared that the matches were "exciting and intense up until the last turn."  He was surprised that no one he battled used Discord, as he considered it "a very good disrupter." His profile discloses that he enjoys "trolling people occasionally." There is no doubt about that, but not everyone is such a trolling potato. ;) Congratulations on your first win!

  • "Winning a nymph on Valentine's Day - what could be better? :)" That is how Ginyu summarized Weekly Tournament Valentine's Day - Upgraded, which obviously took place on the 14th of February. This was Ginyu's first WT trophy! Apart from admitting that it felt great to win, he also revealed, "I usually favour tourneys that are restricted using a theme to explain the restrictions. That way, you have to consider anything the meta might bring, but it's not just banned only because of balance reasons, so there are still some strong strategies to find out (OP ones banned, of course)." Congratulations on your first win and have a nice time with your nymph. ^^

  • Ginyu seems to be on a winning streak, as on the 21st of February he won his second Weekly Tournament, Name Game 5 - Unupgraded,  just a week after his first win. When asked how he managed to win twice in a row, he humoristically replied, "Maybe I just found my theme: Use one nymph to win another one. These women are highly motivated to fight for new friends!" In addition to this accomplishment, Ginyu is also a recently elected Tournament Organizer (along with both mathman101 and iancudorinmarian), and that was his first ever hosted tournament. Good job Ginyu!

  • On the last day of February, montrossen won his first Weekly Tournament trophy in Newbie's Rejoice - Unupgraded. He admitted, "It felt great, but because I had won in part from people forfeiting (2/4 matches), it felt like less of an achievement than it would have been if I had won the usual way. That's not to say I feel like I did not win anything, I still did a long victory dance :P." In addition, he confessed that even though matches were intense and nerve-wracking, he liked the rules that required making unique decks and thought it should be a norm in future tournaments. Congratulations and best wishes for continued wins!

    This section was written with the great help of J617

Spoiler for Leagues:

  • Championship League: Defending champion xn0ize is still looking strong, but sits in second place this season with a score of 1521.  With the same number of wins but two fewer losses, worldwideweb3 holds first place and a score of 1566!

  • Battle League:With just one month to go in the season, Puff is still holding strong in first place, but flyingcat has narrowed the gap to just a single point!  With worldwideweb3 also within 10 points of first place, this looks like a race for the ages!

  • There's just one month left, so be sure to play your matches!

Spoiler for Forum Games:

  • Elements Mafia 46, hosted by Frozengaia, is now in progress. With a less zany setup, we'll see what happens.

  • Elements Hangman is still going strong! Join in the wordsmithery and enjoy the games!

  • Elements Tag is being started by eaglgenes101.  Try your skill in a new board game style game!

Spoiler for Staff Changes:

  • We're looking to hire new Competition Organizers! Be sure to PM Zawadx if you want to apply!

Spoiler for Tea Time with Giants (interview):
Tea Time with Giants:worldwideweb3

Below is the portion of an interview:

What's been your most exciting moment in Elements play so far?

Winning war. What really helped was that our team had experienced players and we were probably the most active. But that will soon be replaced by something else  ;)

Congratulations on being part of the new council! What made you decide to apply for it?

Thanks fellow council member ;) I applied for council because I do have a lot of time and want to work for the community. Also, it will help in gaining experience.

Are there any staff titles you'd like to hold someday?

Find this answer and more in CuCN's official interview
Spoiler for Comic of the Month:

Comic about preparations for Brawl #4. Enjoy!


Spoiler for Deck Idea of the Month:

SoPa Pestbow by Youpla

This deck review was written by iancudorinmarian

Spoiler for Deck Code:
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 715 7al 7hi 7hi 7hi 7q4 7q4 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t9 7t9 7t9 7td 7td 7td 7td 7th 7th 80a 80a 8pt

If you are one of the people who likes trying new strategies, like SoR on a rustler (which, by the way, it doesn't work as you think it will), this deck is perfect for you. Ever wondered what happens if you burrow a creature, let it grow under SoPa and unburrow it? I won't spoil the surprise, after all, this will determine you to try this deck yourself. These are the notes about the deck, written by the one who created the deck, Youpla:

Nova: the only 0-card cost. You are assured to go with 1 in the starting hand, allowing to play a Pest in the second turn if starting first. Stats are superiors to get 2 Novas when starting second.

Skull Buckler: may be switched by a Fog Shield, but is superior vs some hard-decks to play against, see below. Rarely, it allows you to fill AI hand (with Nightmare) with Skelletons if it play  :darkness and not  :death

Jade Staff: probably more interresting than Vamp Dagger, because the gain of life is assured (Vamp is sensible to shields), and also because  :darkness quantas are limited.

SoPa: 3 seems reasonable to get one enough early.

Rewind: CC. Is used also as an indirect quanta denial, since opponent will not draw a pillar/pendulum, and will pay 2 times the casting cost (if able!). Also cool with Nightmare.

Pest: Since the first is casted, others come. Don't forget to burrow them asap...

Steal: Mainly quanta denial. The first target is pendulums (giving you some  :darkness quantas), second is towers, and may be used in a more classical way. (Vs Ghostmare, steal the Time Towers. It delays the cast of Ghosts, and more, allow you later to cast them).

Vampire: Tempo when SoPa isn't there, and big healing when SoPa do the job.

Nightmare: To use wisely: I mean, you have to play it when you are sure than when you do, you will prevent for several rounds AI to draw 2 cards/turn. It's really an important part of the denial, healing a bit.

Thunderbolt: CC.

Spoiler for Card Idea of the Month:

Angry Elephant | Raging Elephant by Ginyu
This card review was written by iancudorinmarian.

"CC for life!? No! You will mess with the order of the Elements Universe!"- random veteran
"Oops."- Ginyu

Did you ever want to kill a small, but powerful creature like ruby dragon with a single shot, especially in :life ? Well, now you have the possibility. With this, you can use :gravity mark and stomp everything in your sight! This creature also synergies with adrenaline (better with unupped) and thorn carapace. You can slowly wipe out the enemy's field with this. Add some Shard of Gratitude and the job is done!

There is also another combo. Although it requires a duo, you can combo it with otyugh and gravity shield. Eat everything small with the oty, block the big creatures with gravity shield and wait for the elephant to stomp them when the small ones are in the oty's stomach.

I will leave the fun for you to find out the other synergies, because in this game, they are endless.

Spoiler for Puzzle of the Month:
Puzzle of the Month

Elements Wordoku Puzzle

The goals of Wordoku are to fill in every empty square with one of nine letters and to find the clue.  Each letter can appear only once in each horizontal row, in each vertical column, and in each of the 3x3 grids, in each 9x9 grid.  The finished puzzle will contain the spelling of [a] word(s) somehow related to Elements (but not necessarily using all nine letters). 

The only difference between this version and a regular Wordoku, is that there are five invididual puzzles, combined in such a manner, that the middle one has overlapping corners with one corner of each of the other puzzles.  This allows there to be shared 3x3 sections, which being the same, can be used in both parts of the puzzle.

To solve, place a letter into every empty square, so that each row across, each column down, and each nine box square (3x3 grid), in a 9x9 grid, will contain each of the listed letters.  Then read the 9x9 grids (both across and downwards) to find the clue.

Clue:  War 8 heavyweight

It has the letters:  B E F I L O R S T

*Note:  This puzzle is solvable without using any “what ifs.”  If you find a difficult area, simply go to another easier area to solve, so that the shared corners can help solve more difficult areas.  Thus, this puzzle is not difficult, but one may find it a bit time consuming.

Spoiler for help in solving:

The only difference between a regular Sudoku and a Wordoku is that letters are used instead of numbers.  The same concept is used in solving both.

Here is an simple example of how to solve a Sudoku puzzle.

Because this example is a 4x4 puzzle, there must be the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in each row, column, and 2x2 grid.

Notice that the top row shows the numbers 1 and 4.  The two blank spaces are then obviously 2 and 3, in some order.  Notice the left blank's column.  There is a 3 there, so the number 3 can not go in that left blank space, it must therefore be a 2.  Thus, the other blank space is a 3.

Now notice the upper right grid.  It subsequently has the numbers 1, 3, and 4.  Since it is missing a 2, fill in that blank with a 2.

At this time, look at the 2nd column down.  It has a 2 and a 3, so it is missing a 1 and a 4.  In the lower space, there is a 4 in that row (or lower left grid), so that space is a 1.  Consequently, a 4 goes in the upper space.

By either checking the upper left grid or the 2nd row, that blank space is obviously a 3.

As a result, the remaining first column space is evidently a 2.

The 4th column shows a 2 and a 4, so the other spaces are a 1 and a 3 in some order.  The bottom row has a 1, so the bottom space is a 3 and the one above it is a 1.

Finally, the last two spaces are a 2 and a 4 in some order.  It is now apparent that a 2 goes in the bottom space and the one above it is a 4.

(While following the example given for this puzzle, you may have noticed other ways to progress.  This puzzle can be solved via many different sequences; it is up to you to choose which order to do so.  There is no correct order as the answer will still remain the same.)

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

In addition to basic checking of each of the rows, columns, and 3x3 grids, there are times when using letters you know to be in a group may help you solve other letters.  For Example, say that there is a row, where there are three blanks all in one 3x3 grid, and that grid is missing two more numbers.  Then you know what the other two numbers are, in some order.  So in the example below, 4, 5, and 6 are missing in the top middle row.  But that middle grid is also missing an 8 and a 9.  Having an 8 in that bottom row means that in that middle 3x3 grid, the 9 is the bottom right number while the 8 is the middle right number.

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

There are times when determining that a letter which goes in one column or row in a 3x3 grid, can help you ascertain the placement of that letter in another column or row in a different 3x3 grid.  For example, looking at the illustration below, one might think that nothing can be solved, but it can.  See the 5 in the third row?  Checking the third 3x3 grid, it is obvious that a 5 goes in its first column, in one of the top two spaces.  Knowing this information and noticing the 5 in the 5th row / 8th column,  it is obvious that a 5 goes in the 7th row / 9th column.

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

Similarly, if a number evidently goes somewhere in two columns in both of two nearby grids, as 2 and 5 show below, the remaining column on the remaining grid, are where the 2 and the 5 go in that column.  In this example, because there is a 2 in the 7th row / 2nd column, this means that the 5 goes in the 7th row / 9th column and the 2 goes in the 8th row / 9th column.

Another way to view the example below, is to notice that the 9th column is missing a 1, 2, 4, and 5.  Neither of the top two blank spaces can be either 2 or 5, so they must be 1 and 4, in some order.  Thus the bottom two blank spaces must be 2 and 5, in some order.  Furthermore, because there is a 2 in the 7th row / 2nd column, this means that the 5 goes in the 7th row / 9th column and the 2 goes in the 8th row / 9th column.

Spoiler for the example puzzle:

In addition, one may find that checking an overlapped corner part of the puzzle using both 9x9 sections of the puzzle, may deduce a letter.

* Do not assume that there is only one of each letter in any part of the puzzle which isn't part of one of the five 9x9 grids.  For example, looking at the entire puzzle, look at row nine.  Columns one through nine, seven through fifteen, and thirteen through twenty one, will each show a letter only once,  but columns four through twelve do not follow the same rules as they are not part of one 9x9 grid.

To find the clue word(s), read each row across and each column down, trying to find [a] word(s).  You may find a few words in the puzzle, but the one related to this Elements puzzle is the one which somewhat fits the [Elements] clue.   Keep in mind that the word doesn't necessarily use all nine letters.

Spoiler for if you have difficulties solving:

You can pm me and ask to be provided a few additional letters in whichever 9x9 section of the puzzle you are having difficulty with.  Or I would be pleased to look at what you have already completed to make sure that you have not made any mistakes (which would likely make the puzzle seem more difficult than it is).  I am also happy to help point you in a direction which will help you solve the puzzle. ;)

Spoiler for help in getting an answer to me:

Spoiler for if you have no idea of how send an answer to me, here are instructions on how to pm a picture to me:

After scanning a hard copy or using paint to save the picture in your computer, upload the picture to the internet.  Different sites can be used, but here are a few options:  imgur.com, photobucket.com, and tinypic.com.  Once it is uploaded, on another page, click to open a pm to me.  Then copy the link where you uploaded the picture, to that pm.  At the end of the link, make sure that it has a “.png” at the end of it (you can type it in).  If you prefer, you can use “.jpg” or “.gif” instead, but do not forget to add the period before the three letters.  Now highlight that line and click “insert image.”  (This is the [Mona Lisa] picture, which is located above the smilies.)  When clicked, it will insert two sets of brackets with img on either side of the link you highlighted.  Now preview your pm to see if the picture shows.  If it does not, then recheck.  When ready, click send.

Spoiler for if you prefer to just type your answers:

One option is to simply type the letters (and spaces if needed) of the puzzle.  (For sizing purposes, it might be easier to do each 9x9 puzzle individually.)  Remember to make the clue word noticeable somehow.  For example:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  1
3  4  5  6  7  8  9  1  2
4  5  6  7  8  9  1  2  3
5  6  7  8  9  1  2  3  4
6  7  8  9  1  2  3  4  5
7  8  9  1  2  3  4  5  6
8  9  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
9  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

If you would like to send in an answer and are still confused or have difficulties doing so, you are welcome to pm me, and I will try to help.  I would much prefer a pm to someone's disappointment that they can not accomplish such a task. ;)  You are also welcome to contact me if you are having difficulties with solving the puzzle(s), and I will try to help. :)  This goes for all my puzzles.

If you solve this puzzle and send the answers via pm to J617 by the deadline, your name will be listed in next month's Newsletter.

The countdown has concluded.

Last month's Elements Logic Grid Puzzle solution:

Spoiler for the solution and the list of names who sent in the answer to J617:

*Interesting tidbit:  I searched recent Introduce Yourself posts, and took the data of those listing both fairly common American names (I had to abbreviate one to serve this purpose) and a favorite element for this puzzle.  This proved more difficult than anticipated as those few listing at least semi-common American names mostly picked the same elements:  Entropy and Fire.

Congratulations to all who sent in the solution to last month's Elements Logic Grid puzzle. :)


Spoiler for New Members:

Spoiler for Thank yous:
Many thanks to:
-J617 for Puzzle of the Month and helping with WT section and Imporant News
-iancudorinmarian for Card Idea of the Month and Deck Idea of the Month
-Zawadx for Competitions section
-Naesala for a comic idea
-worldwideweb3 for the interview
-all readers for reading ;)

« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 05:45:10 am by Krzysiekxd »
nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

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  • Creativity should be nurtured.
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1180970#msg1180970
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2015, 11:31:35 pm »
Thanks for doing this!
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
My Decks

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  • Top-Decking Words
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeWar #12 Winner - Team DarknessWinner of Team PvP #812th Trials - Master of WaterSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeDeckbuilding Competition - Hierarchy11th Trials - Master of WaterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeCard Competition - Idea Factory EspionageForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripChampionship League 3/2016 2nd PlaceWar #10 - Sportsmanship AwardWeekly Tournament Winner	 Writing Competition: Elemental Rap WarBattle League 2/2016 1st Place10th Trials - Master of WaterWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeDeckbuilding Competition - No Matter How Many Times You Save The World2015 - PvP World ChampionForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersBattle League 3/2015 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerCompetition - Result ModifiersSolved the Ruby Mansion MurderBattle League 2/2015 3rd PlaceCard Competition - When Life Gives You Art...Writing Competition - 6th Birthday PartySlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeBattle League 1/2015 2nd PlaceSilver Donor
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1180971#msg1180971
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2015, 11:36:14 pm »
Excellent work, really appreciate the effort you / helpers must put into this :)
Competition Mailing Lists are a SERVICE TAILORED FOR YOU!
If you like any Competitions at all, check them out, we are here for you!

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  • I'm back bitches
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1180986#msg1180986
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2015, 02:17:37 am »
Great job as always! :D
:light War #9 - Team Light :light | :life Brawl #5 - Gaia's Pride :life
Check out my card Flock!

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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 15th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1181002#msg1181002
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2015, 05:30:33 am »
Thanks for featuring me in the comic ^_^
Your favorite Hotyugh

Offline CalambarTopic starter

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1181344#msg1181344
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2015, 06:21:37 pm »
Hello Newsletter readers ^^

Do you want to contribute? First of all, I need a new idea/ready script (preferable) for a Newsletter comic. I need it ASAP (it takes time to draw)!

Secondly, I need someone who is willing to write Deck Idea of the Month.

Please, help ^^ Greeings!
nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

Offline TiankPL

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  • Awards: 3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1181717#msg1181717
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2015, 08:20:27 am »
Wow, this is great! I would've never thought newsletters could be so interesting, yet here I am, glad I've accidently found it :). I like how well written this is. With fun factor, yet it has many useful facts. I wonder, who wrote "Weekly Tournaments" section along with J617? I really enjoyed reading it :).

Keep up the good job!
You can't always get what you want

Offline CalambarTopic starter

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  • https://www.elfdict.com/w/calambar
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - TaskmasterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSilver DonorBrawl #3 Winner - Divine LightSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1181719#msg1181719
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2015, 09:00:51 am »
Wow, this is great! I would've never thought newsletters could be so interesting, yet here I am, glad I've accidently found it :). I like how well written this is. With fun factor, yet it has many useful facts. I wonder, who wrote "Weekly Tournaments" section along with J617? I really enjoyed reading it :).

Keep up the good job!

Thanks for nice words :) I'm glad you like it :) Weekly Tournaments are written by me, J617 edits it because my language is not so smooth and she as native speaker of English sometimes makes wonders with what I give her :)

I'm also responsible for New Members section and Newsletter's layout (I format everything, give pics, add all contents, etc.) and of course I'm also making comics, I hope you enjoy them too, they are most time consuming :)

The rest is done by elk and other contributors.


PS. You can become Newsletter contributor as well! I search for someone who would write Deck Idea of the Month for April NL as well as I BADLY need an idea for a comic! Please guys help!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 12:20:24 pm by Krzysiekxd »
nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

Offline Ginyu

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  • Feel the punch of Gravity!
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: March 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=57672.msg1182228#msg1182228
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2015, 12:41:24 pm »
Great newsletter as always!
Thanks anyone for their effort.
Do you have a great idea for a Weekly Tournament? Post it here!
:aether War #8 :aether          :gravity Trials #9 :gravity
:gravity War #9 :gravity
:water War #10 :water


blarg: antiaverage,mrpaper,MegroN,trashduke,Zawadx,worldwideweb3,flyingcat,Ginyu,mathman101,iancudorinmarian,montrossen,J617,Dm1321,CrockettRocket,Frozengaia,AD Storm Bolt,Slaivkeipr,DIM,reddragon905,NeroTP,Xk,Dwosean,NikSoulFlame,KungFuVyka,darksider229,Fenix,Ezoroth,Toshirou,Johnnykm,RichardPharqueue,gavsword,Camdar485,TiankPL,Mindz,Hypraman,stymie,Charney,leecha,Randyrozz,Lakinger,Domman,cordel77,Evarra,Indrxon,Benjamenx,WinthropthePug,Darkling,Linkcat,Markus2,gavalo82,DrBla,Shmojelfed,71saint,Oseru,K_N_Y,hrmmm,quazy9,Larth,mressler,bugman,Malkam,mylovealexandra,mrpotter,RaibowFire,Niq,DonBird,MITCH,HuntingTie,Youpla,CuCN,Malignant,UTAlan,Naesala