| January 2014
| | Happy New Year!! |
| | - Back when PvP servers were still slightly off, majofa came up with the idea of the Computer Simulations PvP Event!... Well, maybe it's not so much of PvP, but it's still interesting. Check it out! We're currently on Round 2.
- WAR: Round #9 is fast approaching! Round 8 is done and now it's time for the top four teams (In Spoils Vault size) to move forward! As of December 31st, Penalties are not yet calculated for round 8, so stay tuned to see who will get through to the finals!
- WAR: Check out the War Round 8 thread to see what's happening.
- MS Paint Card Art #7 was already hosted, and the voting has already concluded, too! Congratulations to antiaverage for winning with his Foil Chimera. A lot of other card art is there too, so take a look!
- Just so Christmas isn't uneventful, there's also a Christmas Card Design competition; and it's still running! Give it a look and try submitting something, maybe?
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- December 7th's tournament was cancelled as we were still plagued by the PvP issue, and thus we had a lack of participants.
- Tournaments slowed down a bit after that. But then another one appeared on December 28th!
Leagues, Forums Games, and More!
Staff Changes
- You may have noticed the last Council had many members falling in and out of reliable activity. Well, after removing a few people, more were added! Chapuz and Dm1321 are new Council Members! From the Old Council, we still have majofa, Calindu and n00b.
Tea Time with Giants: Dm1321Below is a portion of the interview:
Q: What is your favorite thing about the Elements chat room? It's pretty calm. It's not a chat that you feel like the conversation drags on infinitely and it's definitely not a place you get tired just because you're on it because lines are popping on your screen at a speed of 10 messages per second. You can relax, and when there's a conversation, it all sails smoothly...
Q: What is your all-time favorite Competition? MS Paint is probably my favorite. I suck at art so I don't even bother to attempt, but looking at the entries is definitely funny. And some are real good.
Q: Reflect on the past year. Are you satisfied with what you've done for the Elements Community? Er... what have I done? I'm satisfied with my posts, but I don't think I did anything worthy. Oh well; I wonder if others are satisfied?
Q: When you aren't on the forums, what is favorite thing to do?
| New Members from both November and December!
The deck presented this month was made by one of our most prolific members, BrandenC6, and it was made for use in pvp2, Silver arena and vs AI4.
Card by card:
Mark of Fire: Allows for your Shard of Bravery to make you draw 3 cards instead of 2, making this deck even faster.
Nova: This deck doesn't need much quanta and the Novas should be enough to fuel the non cards present here.
Chaos Power: Used to buff your Wyrms or alternatively Damselflies.
Protect Artifact: Makes your Shards of Freedom invulnerable to permanent control.
Epinephrine: Used on a Damselfly, it accelerates the quanta production and helps you play your Wyrm(s) more quickly, the damage increase on the epinephrined Damselfly can also help if the opponent manages to kill your Wyrms.
Shard of Bravery: Accelerates your draw and makes you less RNG-dependant.
Shard of Divinity: Use to heal yourself and increase your HP.
Damselfly: Your main producer for quanta, alternatively a damage dealer.
Elite Wyrm: Your main hitter, play as quickly as you can, buff the hell out of it and hope for the best.
Shard of Freedom: Once 4 of those shards are in play, your creatures bypass shields and are protected from pretty much anything but mass creature control.
Silence: Prevents your opponent from playing any card the turn it is played and gains you a precious advantage.
Alternatives could be Blessing for Shard of Divinity and Lightning for Silence
Regarding the strategy, BrandenC6 probably expressed it better than we could, so allow us to use his words:
Protect artifact is a quirk over chaos wyrms. Gotta love being free! Also makes for some almost immortal wyrms. Ai will target the biggest of the hurd, which in this case will be very hard to take down. Thus giving immateriality to all your other creatures. Just pray for no mass-cc. Even then the 1 fully powered wyrm can kill the AI. Epi allows for damselflies to be more useful, and help get more then just 1 wyrm to go to the field+ability for both of them. In the case of your big wyrm dying, an epi damselfly can usually finish off the last remaining HP. Also AI will target epi-fly before a non-buffed wyrm. Which can give you the lending hand if you just so happen to draw choas power. Or if you play it differently by chaos power the first turn you can use its ability and not the first turn it goes out. Shard of divinity has allowed for you to get +1 turn of health. Thus +1 whole turn to kill the AI, same with silence, and guarentees a whole turn if enemy is doing 15 damage and you use both same turn. Bravery! Makes this less draw reliant then chaos wyrms which is a HUGE benefit!
It's a very fast deck that can be pretty hard to counter, once 4 Shards of Freedom are in play and protected, your creatures are very hard to kill, even if mass CC gets rid of your low-HP creatures, it will be very hard to take out a buffed Wyrm that laughs at any shield your opponent might play. The fact that it's pillarless also makes it quite resistant to quanta denial.
Early creature control can be a problem, if your Damsels are killed straight away, you might have a hard time producing enough quanta to play your Wyrms and your Shards of Freedom, and even though the Shards of Bravery make this deck less draw-dependant, bottom decking your 3 Wyrms can still happen.
Spoiler for Photocredit: Dice: Googled and found here. Trojan Horse: Googled and found here. 2014: Googled and found here. MS Pain Foil Chimera: Art by antiaverageShard of Divinity: Elements art.
My thanks to Deck Helpers Calindu and inthisroom for their review. Special thanks to Opsinis for formatting the newsletter as a whole, proof-reading all I wrote, collecting the New Members part, for the pictures, and doing the interview, as well as other things related to this newsletter in general. As a disclaimer, I didn't suggest myself! You say newsletter is early? I say, it should have been when GMT turned around to 2014!