Now Hiring: Card Curator
Council is now hiring 1-2 new Card Curators, the staff members responsible for managing the Card Ideas and Art section of the forums. The following is a list of responsibilities for Card Curators:
- Reviewing submissions to the Crucible and moving threads which meet the Crucible's requirements
- Setting up polls for the CIA system and promoting/advertising them
- Carefully and thoroughly moving threads up the CIA system
- Providing feedback for cards submitted to the system
- Managing the Cygnia project and weekly challenges
- Maintaining the CIA system and making changes to it if need be
What would make you more qualified for this position?
- High activity on forums
- Having free time during the week
- Knowledge of card balance
- Proficency in forum formatting
- Passion and dedication
If you're interested, send a PM to
ddevans96 titled "Card Curator Application". Your application will be shared with the rest of the council, and we will discuss the applications. Don't forget to read about
what the council looks for in an applicant if you haven't already.
Feel free to PM
Kuroaitou, former Curator, if you have any questions about the workload of the levels system, or
Fippe94 if you have any questions about Cygnia.
You have no time remaining!Good luck to all applicants!