what happened to the deck and card idea of the month 
The idea got rejected due to the only practically active NLW not inowing a thing about deckbuilding and deckimprovement. It was also very tedious, having to describe absolute basics, such as pills and pends.
Card idea was scraped even before we took the post, so we didnt really think about bringing it back
We do see that people may want us to bring these back, but it would be good due to my brothers and my limited knowledge of what makes a good deck or a good card, which are essential to both of those sections.
I do wanna create some section that will be staple to our newsletters, cuz only thing so far that me and my brothers have done is delete a bunch of sections that were there before, which isnt good. However, coming up with something to do each month consistently is a pretty hard task, how our line of work doesnt end on just being the NLW.
I do wanna say thank you for everyones patience, it's greatly appreciated c: