Vote for your favorite card ideas here:,129.0.htmlThis is how the process works:
ONCE A WEEK:At the end of the week 3-4 most voted cards from Crucible get moved go to Forge (one per element).
- Week 1:
![Darkness :darkness](
- Week 2:
![Entropy :entropy](
- Week 3:
![Life :life](
- Week 4:
@ <- "Other"
ONCE A MONTH:At the end of month, 3 Cards from Forge get moved to Armory (one per card type). Forge voting has not started yet because there are no card there at the moment.
All polls run 24/7, and will be reset every time a card "levels up".
You get votes based on how many cards there are in the poll. Like this:
3-6 cards = 1 vote
7-12 cards = 2 votes
13-18 cards = 3 votes
19-24 cards = 4 votes
25+ cards = 5 votes
If there are less than 3 cards in a specific element, the voting is stopped until a 3rd card appears.
Cards that have been in Crucible for over a month and receive only 0-3 votes will be sent back to level 0 and "banned" from Crucible. Only way to get back to Crucible is to make some drastic changes to the idea.
Voting threads have been unlocked so please feel free to comment on why you voted the way you did, and of course give reasons why others should vote for your ideas.
We also have a new level,
Reliquary (
name idea by Kael Hate). This final level is for card ideas that made it into the game. The idea in the game doesn't have to be identical to your idea. As long as it's clear that your idea was used as a source of inspiration, it will get moved to Reliquary.
One more thing.. I merged "Card Ideas" and "Card Art" because the latter wasn't popular enough to need its own forum section.