As you can see, the forums are back up.
I had to do an "emergency upgrade" to my hosting plan because this forum was using way too much CPU and our hosting provider didn't like that. In fact we were using 3 times the amount that is allowed and it kept growing.
It's difficult to say what the real problem was. It probably a combination of one or more of these:
- too many forum modifications that use heavy php scripts
- bugged forum modification
- too many simultaneous users
- something mysterious
We might never know for sure, but whatever it was it shouldn't be a problem anymore.
The migration from the old server to the new one took way longer than I had expected. This was because there were multiple unforeseeable obstacles in the way. An issue after and issue.. it was incredible. Also time difference between Europe and US didn't help. I'm pretty sure the lone "24/7 support guy" was sleeping most of his shift last night.

I removed some of the modifications that we probably don't need so that the migration would go smoother. Some of those mods might come back at a later date.
This new server is still on beta mode so some crashes etc. might happen, but the good news is that I'm here to fix them if they do.
Please accept my humble apology. Long downtimes like this shouldn't happen and I take full responsibility for it. I can only assure that it won't happen again.
Feel free to ask any questions.